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Hello Kristian
<p>I'm now writting a component that just list the (k,w) values for erach
neutron passing into it. Then it is a 4 x 1D vector, and each point has
a single (n,p,p2). For instance, a line should be
<p>kx ky kz omega n p p2
<p>How can I write this through the DETECTOR_OUT_xD macros ? Should
I write 4 blocks, then qadruplating the (n,p,p2) values, or do I have to
write it myself with normal fprintf ? In that case, how can I write a Header
'mcstas-compliant' before starting to write into file with fprintf ?
<br>Such a component can then be treated in order to plot the resolution
function of instrument. (global shape, cuts, projections...)
<p>I also plan to write a single perovskite type cristal (phonons + bragg)
in order to test TAS instruments as in real life.
<br>I got for this a parameterisation of phonons, and I intend to use numerical
recipies for eigen vectors finding.
Emmanuel FARHI, <A HREF="http://www.ill.fr/tas/people/Farhi.html">http://www.ill.fr/tas/people/Farhi.html</A> \|/ ____ \|/
TAS-Group, Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) Grenoble ~@-/ oO \-@~
Avenue des Martyrs, BP 156, 38042 Grenoble Cedex 9,France /_( \__/ )_\
Work :Tel (33/0) 4 76 20 71 83. Fax (33/0) 4 76 48 39 06 \__U_/
La Grande Arche, Chateau d'Uriage, 38410 Saint Martin d'Uriage 04 76 59 73 94</pre>