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Hy Kristian,
<p>Well, I now have an optimizer that seems to work correctly. In just
ABSORB all neutrons that are known not to reach the Monitor_optimizer.
<br>The problem is that nothing seems to occur about decreasing computation
time. All is just like if ABSORB takes the same computation time as before.
<p>The final flux and counts on monitor are kept. At the end, 20 % of neutrons
were used to determine limits of state parameters and optimized source
distributions. Among the other neutrons, 78 % were ABSORBed (optimized
source identifies them as non reaching monitor), but the computation time
is unchanged.
<p>If you ever want to test some few things, I've attached all necessary
components, instrument in14_6 (with optimizer) and in14_6n (no optimizer,
same time). I now use mcstas 1.15A.
<p>Very strange...
Emmanuel FARHI, <A HREF="http://www.ill.fr/tas/people/Farhi.html">http://www.ill.fr/tas/people/Farhi.html</A> \|/ ____ \|/
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