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Hy Kristian
<p>I now have an optimizer that increases count numbers on detector by
about a factor 40 to 50 !
<br>It supposes that the neutrons from original source have uncorrelated
state parameters. It identifies the 'good' neutrons going to the monitor,
and then redirect the bad neutrons to 'good' state parameters. What's long
in computation is the random generator. ABSORB comes after, and so do not
affect drastically the computation time (perhaps a factor 2). A better
solution is to use the 'bad' random numbers and to convert them to some
more effective values. That's what I do.
<p>Flux is kept during those source optimizations redirections, but I'm
now testing the 'quality' of optimized neutrons, and how are affected the
different monitors...
<p>I send you all this when it's tested, un-bugged and reliable.
Emmanuel FARHI, <A HREF="http://www.ill.fr/tas/people/Farhi.html">http://www.ill.fr/tas/people/Farhi.html</A> \|/ ____ \|/
TAS-Group, Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) Grenoble ~@-/ oO \-@~
Avenue des Martyrs, BP 156, 38042 Grenoble Cedex 9,France /_( \__/ )_\
Work :Tel (33/0) 4 76 20 71 83. Fax (33/0) 4 76 48 39 06 \__U_/
La Grande Arche, Chateau d'Uriage, 38410 Saint Martin d'Uriage 04 76 59 73 94</pre>