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Hy again Kristian,
<p>I've been now showing some McStas demo to J. Combet (IN10), with mcgui.
It's really cute. I just here give you some ideas about mcgui.
<p>1- mcgui main window could contain what is displayed in the 'compiling'
or 'simulation' windows in a sort of 'control/log' window
<br>2- Editing a simulation source could open a new window, either with
the default (simple) mcgui editor, or with an external editor (nedit...)
<br>3- In the 'Run' menu, you could add something like 'display instrument
geometry' calling mcdisplay. The control window should display PGplot key
actions (zoom, etc...)
<p>I've got now D20 simulation from Thomas Hansen. Seems quite complicated.
He uses the Numerical Recipies in C as a part of the sample simulation.
I will put this on the ILL McStas page soon.
<p>One of the ECNS99 publication is entirely available on the doc page
as an HTML link, if you want to put it on your site.
<p>Cheers. EF.
Emmanuel FARHI, <A HREF="http://www.ill.fr/tas/people/Farhi.html">http://www.ill.fr/tas/people/Farhi.html</A> \|/ ____ \|/
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