<div>Hello colleagues,<br><br>I updated McStas to version 1.12. Learning to use component Virtual_output and Virtual_input,a problem is met:<br>I've got "DataAfterSource_list.p.x.y.z.vx.vy.vz.t.sx.sy.sz" running the codes below(ncount=1e7):<br><br>COMPONENT Origin = Progress_bar()<br> AT (0,0,0) ABSOLUTE<br><br>COMPONENT source = Source_simple(<br> radius = 0.2, dist = 1, xw = 0.05, yh = 0.05, Lambda0 = 1.2,<br> dLambda = 0.1)<br> AT (0, 0, 0) RELATIVE Origin<br><br>COMPONENT DataAfterSource = Virtual_output(<br> file = "DataAfterSource")<br> AT (0, 0, 0.2) RELATIVE source<br><br>In the same directory, new instrument is set as:<br><br>COMPONENT mysource = Virtual_input(<br> file = "DataAfterSource_list.p.x.y.z.vx.vy.vz.t.sx.sy.sz", verbose = 1, repeat_count = 1)<br> AT (0, 0, 0) ABSOLUTE<br><br><br>COMPONENT LDafterSource = L_monitor(<br> filename = "LDafterSource.txt", xwidth = 0.2, yheight = 0.2,<br> Lmin = 0.8, Lmax = 15)<br> AT (0, 0, 0.5) RELATIVE PREVIOUS<br><br> I run it with ncount=1e7(corresponding to repeat_count=1), plot result,format:Scilab. But the expected LDafterSource.sci file is not created. Only a mcstas.sci is made. Then how can I take a look at the results on detector?<br><br> By the way, the "Test McStas installation" does not work properly and files could not be saved under non_English directories.<br><br>Regards,<br>Tom<br><br><br><br><br> <br></div><div> </div><div> </div><br><!-- footer --><br>
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