/******************************************************************************* * McStas, neutron ray-tracing package * Copyright 1997-2002, All rights reserved * Risoe National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark * Institut Laue Langevin, Grenoble, France * * Component: Res_monitor * * %I * Written by: Kristian Nielsen * Date: 1999 * Origin: Risoe * Modified by: EF, 16th Apr 2003: imported from Monitor_nD to enable many shapes * Modified by: T. Weber, Nov 2020: a) added live calculations; b) updated for McStas 3 / OpenACC * * Monitor for resolution calculations * * %D * A single detector/monitor, used together with the Res_sample component to * compute instrument resolution functions. Outputs a list of neutron * scattering events in the sample along with their intensities in the * detector. The output file may be analyzed with the mcresplot front-end. * * Example: Res_monitor(filename="Output.res", res_sample_comp=RSample, xmin=-0.1, xmax=0.1, ymin=-0.1, ymax=0.1) * * Setting the monitor geometry. * The optional parameter 'options' may be set as a string with the * following keywords. Default is rectangular ('square'): * box Box of size xwidth, yheight, zdepth * cylinder To get a cylindrical monitor (diameter is xwidth, height is yheight). * banana Same as cylinder, without top/bottom, on restricted angular area * disk Disk flat xy monitor. diameter is xwidth. * sphrere To get a spherical monitor (e.g. a 4PI) (diameter is xwidth). * square Square flat xy monitor (xwidth, yheight) * * %P * INPUT PARAMETERS: * * xmin: [m] Lower x bound of detector opening * xmax: [m] Upper x bound of detector opening * ymin: [m] Lower y bound of detector opening * ymax: [m] Upper y bound of detector opening * zmin: [m] Lower z bound of detector opening * zmax: [m] Upper z bound of detector opening * filename: [string] Name of output file. If unset, use automatic name * res_sample_comp: [no quotes] Name of Res_sample component in the instrument definition * bufsize: [1] Number of events to store. Use 0 to store all * * OPTIONAL PARAMETERS (derived from Monitor_nD) * * xwidth: [m] Width/diameter of detector * yheight: [m] Height of detector * zdepth: [m] Thichness of detector * radius: [m] Radius of sphere/cylinder monitor * options: [str] String that specifies the geometry of the monitor * restore_neutron: [1] If set, the monitor does not influence the neutron state * live_calc: [1] If set, the monitor directly outputs the resolution matrix * * OUTPUT PARAMETERS: * * DEFS: [struct] structure containing Monitor_nD Defines * Vars: [struct] structure containing Monitor_nD variables * buffer_index: [long] number of recorded events * * %E *******************************************************************************/ DEFINE COMPONENT Res_monitor DEFINITION PARAMETERS () SETTING PARAMETERS (string res_sample_comp, string filename=0, string options=0, xwidth=.1, yheight=.1, zdepth=0, radius=0, xmin=0, xmax=0, ymin=0, ymax=0, zmin=0, zmax=0, bufsize=0, restore_neutron=0, live_calc=1) /* these are protected C variables */ OUTPUT PARAMETERS () /* Neutron parameters: (x,y,z,vx,vy,vz,t,sx,sy,sz,p) */ SHARE %{ %include "monitor_nd-lib" %include "cov-lib" %} DECLARE%{ MonitornD_Defines_type DEFS; MonitornD_Variables_type Vars; long buffer_index; tl2_list_type *reso_events; tl2_list_type *reso_probabilities; char res_pi_var[20]; char res_ki_x_var[20]; char res_ki_y_var[20]; char res_ki_z_var[20]; char res_kf_x_var[20]; char res_kf_y_var[20]; char res_kf_z_var[20]; char res_rx_var[20]; char res_ry_var[20]; char res_rz_var[20]; %} INITIALIZE %{ // Use instance name for monitor output if no input was given if (!strcmp(filename,"\0")) sprintf(filename,"%s",NAME_CURRENT_COMP); buffer_index = 0; reso_events = 0; reso_probabilities = 0; if(live_calc) { reso_events = tl2_lst_create(0); reso_probabilities = tl2_lst_create(0); } int i; char tmp[1024]; strcpy(Vars.compcurname, NAME_CURRENT_COMP); if (options != NULL) strncpy(tmp, options, 1024); else strcpy(tmp, ""); if (strstr(tmp, "list")) exit(fprintf(stderr, "Res_monitor: %s: Error: Only use geometry keywords (remove list from 'option').\n", NAME_CURRENT_COMP)); if (!bufsize) sprintf(Vars.option, "%s borders list all, ud1 ud2 ud3 ud4 ud5 ud6 ud7 ud8 ud9 ud10", tmp); else sprintf(Vars.option, "%s borders list=%f, ud1 ud2 ud3 ud4 ud5 ud6 ud7 ud8 ud9 ud10", tmp, bufsize); if (radius) xwidth = 2*radius; Monitor_nD_Init(&DEFS, &Vars, xwidth, yheight, zdepth, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax, 0); Vars.Coord_Type[0] = DEFS.COORD_USERDOUBLE0; /* otherwise p is always the first variable */ if (Vars.Coord_Number != 10) exit(fprintf(stderr,"Res_monitor: %s: Error: Invalid number of variables to monitor (%li).\n", NAME_CURRENT_COMP, Vars.Coord_Number+1)); /* set the labels */ /* we have to record ki_x ki_y ki_z kf_x kf_y kf_z x y z p_i p_f */ int idx = 0; strcpy(tmp,"ki_x"); strcpy(Vars.Coord_Label[idx], tmp); strcpy(Vars.Coord_Var[idx++], tmp); strcpy(tmp,"ki_y"); strcpy(Vars.Coord_Label[idx], tmp); strcpy(Vars.Coord_Var[idx++], tmp); strcpy(tmp,"ki_z"); strcpy(Vars.Coord_Label[idx], tmp); strcpy(Vars.Coord_Var[idx++], tmp); strcpy(tmp,"kf_x"); strcpy(Vars.Coord_Label[idx], tmp); strcpy(Vars.Coord_Var[idx++], tmp); strcpy(tmp,"kf_y"); strcpy(Vars.Coord_Label[idx], tmp); strcpy(Vars.Coord_Var[idx++], tmp); strcpy(tmp,"kf_z"); strcpy(Vars.Coord_Label[idx], tmp); strcpy(Vars.Coord_Var[idx++], tmp); strcpy(tmp,"x"); strcpy(Vars.Coord_Label[idx], tmp); strcpy(Vars.Coord_Var[idx++], tmp); strcpy(tmp,"y"); strcpy(Vars.Coord_Label[idx], tmp); strcpy(Vars.Coord_Var[idx++], tmp); strcpy(tmp,"z"); strcpy(Vars.Coord_Label[idx], tmp); strcpy(Vars.Coord_Var[idx++], tmp); strcpy(tmp,"p_i"); strcpy(Vars.Coord_Label[idx], tmp); strcpy(Vars.Coord_Var[idx++], tmp); strcpy(tmp,"p_f"); strcpy(Vars.Coord_Label[idx], tmp); strcpy(Vars.Coord_Var[idx++], tmp); if (filename != NULL) strncpy(Vars.Mon_File, filename, 128); /* Initialize uservar strings */ int *index_ptr=COMP_GETPAR3(Res_sample, res_sample_comp, compindex); int index = *index_ptr; sprintf(res_pi_var,"res_pi_%i",index); sprintf(res_ki_x_var,"res_ki_x_%i",index); sprintf(res_ki_y_var,"res_ki_y_%i",index); sprintf(res_ki_z_var,"res_ki_z_%i",index); sprintf(res_kf_x_var,"res_kf_x_%i",index); sprintf(res_kf_y_var,"res_kf_y_%i",index); sprintf(res_kf_z_var,"res_kf_z_%i",index); sprintf(res_rx_var,"res_rx_%i",index); sprintf(res_ry_var,"res_ry_%i",index); sprintf(res_rz_var,"res_rz_%i",index); %} TRACE %{ double t0 = 0; double t1 = 0; int intersect = 0; if (abs(Vars.Flag_Shape) == DEFS.SHAPE_SQUARE) /* square xy */ { PROP_Z0; intersect = (x>=Vars.mxmin && x<=Vars.mxmax && y>=Vars.mymin && y<=Vars.mymax); } else if (abs(Vars.Flag_Shape) == DEFS.SHAPE_DISK) /* disk xy */ { PROP_Z0; intersect = ((x*x + y*y) <= Vars.Sphere_Radius*Vars.Sphere_Radius); } else if (abs(Vars.Flag_Shape) == DEFS.SHAPE_SPHERE) /* sphere */ { intersect = sphere_intersect(&t0, &t1, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, Vars.Sphere_Radius); /* intersect = (intersect && t0 > 0); */ } else if ((abs(Vars.Flag_Shape) == DEFS.SHAPE_CYLIND) || (abs(Vars.Flag_Shape) == DEFS.SHAPE_BANANA)) /* cylinder */ { intersect = cylinder_intersect(&t0, &t1, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, Vars.Sphere_Radius, Vars.Cylinder_Height); if ((abs(Vars.Flag_Shape) == DEFS.SHAPE_BANANA) && (intersect != 1)) intersect = 0; /* remove top/bottom for banana */ } else if (abs(Vars.Flag_Shape) == DEFS.SHAPE_BOX) /* box */ { intersect = box_intersect(&t0, &t1, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, fabs(Vars.mxmax-Vars.mxmin), fabs(Vars.mymax-Vars.mymin), fabs(Vars.mzmax-Vars.mzmin)); } if (intersect) { if ((abs(Vars.Flag_Shape) == DEFS.SHAPE_SPHERE) || (abs(Vars.Flag_Shape) == DEFS.SHAPE_CYLIND) || (abs(Vars.Flag_Shape) == DEFS.SHAPE_BOX) || (abs(Vars.Flag_Shape) == DEFS.SHAPE_BANANA)) { if (t0 < 0 && t1 > 0) t0 = t; /* neutron was already inside ! */ if (t1 < 0 && t0 > 0) /* neutron exit before entering !! */ t1 = t; /* t0 is now time of incoming intersection with the sphere. */ if ((Vars.Flag_Shape < 0) && (t1 > 0)) PROP_DT(t1); /* t1 outgoing beam */ else PROP_DT(t0); /* t0 incoming beam */ } /* Now fetch data from the Res_sample. */ if(p && (!bufsize || buffer_indexnext, reso_probabilities->next, cov, reso)) { printf("Resolution matrix:" "\n\t%12.4e %12.4e %12.4e %12.4e" "\n\t%12.4e %12.4e %12.4e %12.4e" "\n\t%12.4e %12.4e %12.4e %12.4e" "\n\t%12.4e %12.4e %12.4e %12.4e\n", reso[0], reso[1], reso[2], reso[3], reso[4], reso[5], reso[6], reso[7], reso[8], reso[9], reso[10], reso[11], reso[12], reso[13], reso[14], reso[15]); } else { printf("Error: Resolution matrix could not be calculated."); } } %} FINALLY %{ /* free pointers */ Monitor_nD_Finally(&DEFS, &Vars); tl2_lst_free(reso_events); tl2_lst_free(reso_probabilities); %} MCDISPLAY %{ Monitor_nD_McDisplay(&DEFS, &Vars); %} END