answer of del_k/k

Dr. Georg Artus Georg_Artus at Physik.TU-Muenchen.DE
Tue Mar 2 10:39:48 CET 1999


thanks for the answer to the del_k/k problem.

I fear that all formulas (Cooper&Nathans, Caglioti...) can't describe
our instrument. The calculated values are in no agreement with the
I should have given a better description of the instrument in the last
mail, I'm sorry.

The major problem is, that we use a focussing guide between source and
monochromator. So we don't illuminate the monochromator with a point
source but with a rectangular source. Also intensity distrubution, kx,
ky... before the monochromator do not correspond to a primary beam
collimated in a 'classical' way. So any assumptions like triangular or
Gaussian profiles are not valid.

Does anybody know of a paper with a quantitave (or qualitative) analysis
of del_k/k using neutron guides in combination with monochromators and
all other usual components?


Dr. Georg Artus
Technische Universitaet Muenchen
Neue Forschungsneutronenquelle Garching
D-85747 Garching

Tel: +49 (0)89/289-14675
Fax: +49 (0)89/289-14666 or 12112
E-mail: gartus at

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