Again a question

Dr. Oliver Kirstein o.kirstein at
Tue Jul 20 16:15:32 CEST 1999

Hi Kristian,

I'm sorry but I would like to ask you again one (simple) question: In
the following instrument definition I would like to use a vanadium
sample (radius 1.5 cm, height 3 cm). Some of the input parameters are
the focusing parameters (x,y,z and the radius of the target sphere).

If i choose a target sphere with a radius of 2 m i think this must be
the the parameter rt. Unfortunately I get the error message '...Did not
hit cylinder from inside...'. I started the simulation with

 eres --ncount=2.e6 --dir=en_res --seed=334 TTM=140 E0=2.0804 DE=0.05

Can you please tell me what happens?

Thank you



   _/_/_/ _/_/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/_/  Oliver Kirstein
     _/     _/         _/        IFF, Neutronenstreuung
     _/     _/_/_/     _/_/_/    Forschungszentrum Juelich
     _/     _/         _/        D-52425 Juelich
     _/     _/         _/        Tel.: +49 (0)2461 614532
   _/_/_/   _/         _/        Fax.: +49 (0)2461 612610
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