about McStas

Kristian Nielsen kristian.nielsen at risoe.dk
Wed Sep 22 11:54:41 CEST 1999

> Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 15:13:27 +0800
> From: cgou <cgou at iris.ciae.ac.cn>

> unfortunately, my computer's running environment is microsoft windows. Now,
> I can not extract the downloaded package by WINZIP.I don't know how you ADD
> it, and how i can extract it.

Unfoirtunately, microsoft windows is not well supported in McStas
currently, since it is not used for simulation at Risoe. You have
basically two options:

1. Try to get McStas working properly in MS Windows. You should search
the mailing list (http://neutron.risoe.dk/neutron-mc/) for messages
about running McStas in Windows, and try to compile it. If you have any
problems you can tell me and I will try to fix it. Unfortunately, I do
not know winzip, but you could try to see if you can obtain a newer
version perhaps?

2. Install Linux on your PC (this can be installed simultaneously with
MS windows). We use Debian Linux (http://www.debian.org/) at Risoe, but
other distributions should work equally well.

 - Kristian.

Kristian Nielsen        kristian.nielsen at risoe.dk
Risø National Laboratory
Condensed Matter Physics and Chemistry Department
Tel. +45 4677 5515   Fax +45 4677 4790

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