
Farhi farhi at ill.fr
Wed Nov 17 11:05:16 CET 1999

Hy Kristian,

I've been updating the flux-adapter for a faster interpolation. Also,
the in14_6.instr simulation now uses the Guide2.comp from the McStas

Cheers. EF.

Emmanuel FARHI, http://www.ill.fr/tas/people/Farhi.html     \|/ ____ \|/
TAS-Group, Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) Grenoble            ~@-/ oO \-@~
Avenue des Martyrs, BP 156, 38042 Grenoble Cedex 9,France   /_( \__/ )_\
Work :Tel (33/0) 4 76 20 71 83. Fax (33/0) 4 76 48 39 06       \__U_/
La Grande Arche, Chateau d'Uriage, 38410 Saint Martin d'Uriage 04 76 59 73 94

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/* preprocess with : mcstas in14_6.instr */
/* compile on mica with : cc -Ofast -64 -o in14_3 in14_3.c -lm */
/* on LinuxPPC            gcc -O2 -o in14_6 in14_6.c -lm   */
/* Test with : */
/* in14_6 -n 1e6 KI=2.66 WN=0.03 ORDER=1 MHV=3 */
/* This simulation for McStas is IN14 from source to sample, with a curved
   monochromator, and a supermirror focalizing guide before sample */


#define VERSION "60a"

double L1 = 16.68;	/* source-mono */
double L2 = 2.12;	/* mono-sample */
double L3 = 1.35;	/* sample-ana */
double L4 = 0.70;	/* ana-det */

int    SM,SS,SA;
double A1,A3,A5;

double LM1, LM1b;	/* distances to monitors M1 and M2 */
double LM2, LM2b;

double A2,A4,A6,RM,RH;

char *pfile;
char *efile;
char *dfile;
char *kfile;

/* ==================== Source description ==================== */

double EN;
double D_EN;
double EMIN, EMAX;
double FLUX = 1e13;	/* n/cm^2/s on guide entry */

/* ==================== Monochromator desciption ==================== */

double ETAM       = 30;	/* Mosaicity used on monochromator 30 */
double DM         = 3.355;	/* Monochromator d-spacing in Angs */
				/* PG002 Orders : 1st 3.355 2e 1.6775, 3e 1.1183 */
double mono_r0    = 0.9;	/* mean reflectivity */
double mono_width = 0.15;
double mono_heigh = .122;
double mono_gap   = 0;		/* slates are adjacent */
int    mono_segment_number_vert = 7;
int    mono_segment_number_horz = 1;
double mono_curv_vert;		/* Vertical Rotation between adjacent slabs. */
double mono_curv_horz;		/* Horizontal Rotation between adjacent slabs. */
double mono_slate_heigh; 	/* size (height) of slates */
double mono_slate_width; 	/* size (width) of slates */

double mono_q;	/* Q vector for bragg scattering with monochromator and analysator */
double Ki, Ei;

double TM, GM;

/* ==================== Sample desciption ==================== */

double TU, TL;
double GU, GL;

/* ==================== Analyser desciption ==================== */

double ETAA      = 30;	/* Mosaicity used on analyser 30 */
double DA        = 3.355;	/* analyser d-spacing in Angs */
				/* PG002 Orders : 1st 3.355 2e 1.6775, 3e 1.1183 */
double ana_r0    = 0.9;	/* mean reflectivity */
double ana_width = 0.10;
double ana_heigh = .14;
double ana_gap   = 0;	/* slates are adjacent */
int    ana_segment_number_vert = 7;
int    ana_segment_number_horz = 1;
double ana_curv_vert;	/* Vertical Rotation between adjacent slabs. */
double ana_curv_horz;	/* Horizontal Rotation between adjacent slabs. */
double ana_slate_heigh; 	/* size (height) of slates */
double ana_slate_width; 	/* size (width) of slates */

double ana_q;	/* Q vector for bragg scattering with monochromator and analysator */
double Kf, Ef;

double TA, GA;



double vi,vf,sample_q;

mono_q = 2*PI*ORDER/DM;	/* Q mono in Angs-1 */

A4 = 0;
A2 = asin(mono_q/2/KI)*RAD2DEG*2;
A6 = A2;

printf("Instrument : IN14, v%s (21/09/99) on %s.\n",VERSION,getenv("HOSTNAME"));

/* SM : scattering at mono to the right (-1)/left(+1) */
/* SS : scattering at sample to the right (-1)/left(+1) */
/* SA : scattering at analyser to the right (-1)/left(+1) */
SM = 1; SS = 1; SA = 1;

A2 *= SM;	/* A1 : mono theta (crystal) */
A1 = A2/2; 	/* A2 : mono 2 theta (arm to sample) */
A4 *= SS;	/* A3 : sample theta */
A3 = A4/2; 	/* A4 : sample 2 theta (arm to analyser) */
A6 *= SA;	/* A5 : analyser theta (crystal) */
A5 = A6/2; 	/* A6 : analyser 2 theta (arm to detector) */

TM = 0;		/* TM : translation mono */
GM = 0;		/* GM : tilt mono */

GU = 0;		/* GU : tilt sample Up */
GL = 0;		/* GL : tilt sample Low */
TU = 0;		/* TU : translation sample Up */
TL = 0;		/* TL : translation sample Low */

TA = 0;		/* TA : translation analyser */
GA = 0;		/* GA : tilt analyser */
/* RA : horizontal curvature analyser */

if ((fabs(mono_q/2/KI) < 1) && (sin(DEG2RAD*A1) != 0))
	Ki = mono_q/2/sin(DEG2RAD*A1);
	printf("Warn : Can't define incident wave vector Ki\n");
	Ki = 0;
	printf("Skipping simulation\n");

vi = K2V*fabs(Ki);
Ei = VS2E*vi*vi;

EN = Ei; D_EN = .5;	/* optimize source on Ki */

ana_q = 2*PI/DA;	/* Q ana in Angs-1 */
if (sin(DEG2RAD*A5) != 0)
	Kf = ana_q/2/sin(DEG2RAD*A5);
	printf("Warn : Can't define outgoing wave vector Kf\n");
	Kf = 0;

vf = K2V*fabs(Kf);
Ef = VS2E*vf*vf;

sample_q = sqrt(Ki*Ki + Kf*Kf -2*fabs(Ki*Kf)*cos(DEG2RAD*A4));

mono_slate_heigh = mono_heigh/mono_segment_number_vert;	/* slates are adjacent */
mono_curv_vert = fabs(mono_slate_heigh*RAD2DEG/(2*L2*sin(DEG2RAD*A1))); /* RM : vertical mono curvature */

mono_slate_width = mono_width/mono_segment_number_horz;	/* slates are adjacent */
mono_curv_horz = fabs(mono_slate_width*RAD2DEG*sin(DEG2RAD*A1)/(2*L2)); /* RH : horizontal mono curvature */

ana_slate_heigh = ana_heigh/ana_segment_number_vert;	/* slates are adjacent */
ana_curv_vert = fabs(ana_slate_heigh*RAD2DEG/(2*L3*sin(DEG2RAD*A5))); /* RA : vertical ana curvature */

ana_slate_width = ana_width/ana_segment_number_horz;	/* slates are adjacent */
ana_curv_horz = fabs(ana_slate_width*RAD2DEG*sin(DEG2RAD*A5)/(2*L3)); /* RHA : horizontal ana curvature */

/* print instrument config */
printf("Flat source, m=%.2f noze, width %.2f\n",MHV,WN);
printf("Monochromator : (DM = %g)\n",DM);
printf("A1 = %.2f, A2 = %.2f (deg)\n",A1,A2);
printf("Ki = %.3g Angs-1 (Energy = %.3g meV, Velocity = %.3g m/s) \n", Ki, Ei,vi);
printf("RM = %.3g Deg, RH = %.3g Deg\n",mono_curv_vert,mono_curv_horz);
printf("Sample :\n");
printf("A3 = %.2f, A4 = %.2f (deg)\n",A3,A4);
printf("Energy transfert %.3g meV, Moment transfert %.3g Angs-1\n",Ef-Ei,sample_q);
printf("Analyser :  (DA = %g)\n",DA);
printf("A5 = %.2f, A6 = %.2f (deg)\n",A5,A6);
printf("Kf = %.3g Angs-1 (Energy = %.3g meV, Velocity = %.3g m/s) \n", Kf, Ef,vf);
printf("RA = %.3g Deg\n",ana_curv_vert);
printf("Detectors :\n");

/* local variables ------------------------------------ */

LM1 = L2*.9; LM1b = LM1+0.001;
LM2 = L3/2;  LM2b = LM2+0.001;


pfile = (char *)malloc(256);
efile = (char *)malloc(256);
dfile = (char *)malloc(256);
kfile = (char *)malloc(256);




COMPONENT origin = Arm()
  AT (0,0,0) ABSOLUTE

COMPONENT source = Source_flux(
	radius = 0.20,
	dist = 2.16,
	xw = 0.06, yh = 0.12, 
	E0 = EN,		
	dE = D_EN,
  AT (0,0,0) RELATIVE origin ROTATED (0,0,0) RELATIVE origin

COMPONENT ESourceOut = E_monitor(
	xmin = -0.1, xmax = 0.1,
        ymin = -0.1, ymax = 0.1,
	Emin = EMIN, Emax = EMAX, nchan = 21,
	filename = "beforeflux.nrj")
  AT(0, 0, 0.004) RELATIVE origin ROTATED (0,0,0) RELATIVE origin

COMPONENT fa = Flux_adapter(
        xmin = -0.1, xmax = 0.1,
        ymin = -0.1, ymax = 0.1,
  AT (0,0,0.1) RELATIVE origin ROTATED (0,0,0) RELATIVE origin

COMPONENT EAfterFlux = E_monitor(
	xmin = -0.1, xmax = 0.1,
        ymin = -0.1, ymax = 0.1,
	Emin = EMIN, Emax = EMAX, nchan = 21,
	filename = "outflux.nrj")
  AT(0, 0, 0.101) RELATIVE origin ROTATED (0,0,0) RELATIVE origin

COMPONENT optim_s = Source_Optimizer(
        xmin = -0.1, xmax = 0.1,
        ymin = -0.1, ymax = 0.1,
        bins = -1, step = 10, keep = 10,
  AT (0,0,2.145) RELATIVE origin ROTATED (0,0,0) RELATIVE origin

COMPONENT EAfterOptim = E_monitor(
	xmin = -0.1, xmax = 0.1,
        ymin = -0.1, ymax = 0.1,
	Emin = EMIN, Emax = EMAX, nchan = 21,
	filename = "outoptim.nrj")
  AT(0, 0, 2.146) RELATIVE origin ROTATED (0,0,0) RELATIVE origin

COMPONENT doigt_de_gant = Guide(
	w1 = 0.06, h1 = 0.12,
	w2 = 0.06, h2 = 0.12,
	l = 2.75,		/* guide into the doigt de gant */
	R0 = 1, m=1.2, 		/* Ni 58 */
	Qc = 0.021, alpha = 2.33, W = 2e-3)
  AT (0,0,2.15) RELATIVE origin ROTATED (0,0,0) RELATIVE origin
COMPONENT external_guide = Guide2(
	w1 = 0.06, h1 = 0.12,
	w2 = 0.06, h2 = 0.12,
	l = 13.67,		/* external guide between doigt de gant and mono */
	R0 = 1, 
	Qcx = 0.021, 
	Qcy = 0.021,
	alphax = 2.33, 
	alphay = 2.33, 
	mx=1.2, 		/* 1.2 Ni 58, 3 Super mirror */
	W = 2e-3)
  AT (0,0,4.91) RELATIVE origin ROTATED (0,0,0) RELATIVE origin

/* -------------- Start of monochromator building -------------- */

/*                                                support of mono */
COMPONENT focus_mono = Arm()	
  AT (0, 0, L1) RELATIVE origin ROTATED (0, A1, 0) RELATIVE origin

COMPONENT m0 = Mon_2foc(
	r0=mono_r0, Q=mono_q,
  AT (TM, 0, 0) RELATIVE focus_mono
  ROTATED (0, 0, GM) RELATIVE focus_mono

/*                                on mono, pointing towards sample */
COMPONENT out_mono = Arm()	
  AT (0,0,0) RELATIVE focus_mono ROTATED (0, A2, 0) RELATIVE origin

/* -------------- End of monochromator building -------------- */

COMPONENT noze = Guide2(
	w1 = 0.05, h1 = 0.05,
	w2 = WN, h2 = 0.05,
	l = .825,		
	R0 = 1, 
	Qcx = 0.021, 
	Qcy = 0.021,
	alphax = 2.33, 
	alphay = 2.33, 
	mx = MHV, 
	my =1e-5,		/* Ni 58 */
	W = 2e-3)
  AT (0, 0, .9) RELATIVE out_mono ROTATED (0,0,0) RELATIVE out_mono

/* -------------- Start of sample building -------------- */

/*                                           support of sample */
COMPONENT focus_sample = Arm()	
  AT (0, 0, L2) RELATIVE out_mono ROTATED (0,A3,0) RELATIVE out_mono

COMPONENT sample = Powder1(
	radius = 0.007,
	h = 0.015,
	q = 1.8049,
	d_phi0 = 4,
	pack = 1, j = 6, DW = 1,
	F2 = 56.8,
	Vc = 85.0054, sigma_a = 0.463,
	target_x = alu_focus_x,  
	target_y = 0, target_z = 1000)
  AT (GU, 0, GL) RELATIVE focus_sample ROTATED (TU,0,TL) RELATIVE focus_sample

COMPONENT optim_m = Monitor_Optimizer(
        xmin = -0.05, xmax = 0.05, 
	ymin = -0.05, ymax = 0.05)
  AT(0, 0, 0) RELATIVE focus_sample ROTATED (0,0,0) RELATIVE focus_sample

COMPONENT PSDSample = PSD_monitor(
	xmin = -0.05, xmax = 0.05, 
	ymin = -0.05, ymax = 0.05,
	nx = 50, ny = 50,
	filename = pfile)
  AT(0, 0, 0.001) RELATIVE focus_sample ROTATED (0,0,0) RELATIVE focus_sample

COMPONENT ESample = E_monitor(
	xmin = -0.005, xmax = 0.005, 
	ymin = -0.005, ymax = 0.005,
	Emin = EMIN, Emax = EMAX, nchan = 21,
	filename = efile)
  AT(0, 0, 0.004) RELATIVE focus_sample ROTATED (0,0,0) RELATIVE focus_sample

COMPONENT DivSample = Divergence_monitor(
	xmin = -0.005, xmax = 0.005, 
	ymin = -0.005, ymax = 0.005,
	nv = 10, nh= 10,
	v_maxdiv = 0.5, h_maxdiv = 0.5,
	filename = dfile)
  AT(0, 0, 0.005) RELATIVE focus_sample ROTATED (0,0,0) RELATIVE focus_sample
COMPONENT kw = kw_monitor(
	xmin = -0.005, xmax = 0.005, 
	ymin = -0.005, ymax = 0.005,
	filename = kfile)
  AT(0, 0, 0.006) RELATIVE focus_sample ROTATED (0,0,0) RELATIVE focus_sample

/*                                  on sample, pointing towards ana */
COMPONENT out_sample = Arm()	
  AT (0,0,0) RELATIVE focus_sample ROTATED (0, A4, 0) RELATIVE out_mono

/* -------------- End of sample building -------------- */

COMPONENT M2 = Monitor(
	xmin = -0.1, xmax = 0.1, 
	ymin = -0.1, ymax = 0.1)
  AT (0, 0, LM2) RELATIVE out_sample ROTATED (0,0,0) RELATIVE out_sample

/* -------------- Start of analyzer building -------------- */

/*                                              support of analyzer */
COMPONENT focus_ana = Arm()	
  AT (0, 0, L3) RELATIVE out_sample ROTATED (0,A5,0) RELATIVE out_sample

COMPONENT a0 = Mon_2foc(
	zwidth = ana_half_width,
	ywidth = ana_half_heigh, 
	gap = 0,
	NH  = 1,
	NV  = 1,
	mosaich = ETAA, 
	mosaicv = ETAA,
	r0 = ana_r0, 
	Q = ana_q,
  AT (TA, 0, 0) RELATIVE focus_ana ROTATED (0, 0, GA) RELATIVE focus_ana

COMPONENT out_ana = Arm()
  AT (0, 0, 0) RELATIVE focus_ana ROTATED (0, A6, 0) RELATIVE out_sample
/* -------------- End of analyzer building -------------- */
COMPONENT focus_det = Arm()
  AT (0, 0, L4) RELATIVE out_ana ROTATED (0,0,0) RELATIVE out_ana

COMPONENT Detector = Monitor(
	xmin = -0.02, xmax = 0.02, 
	ymin = -0.05, ymax = 0.05)
  AT(0, 0, 0) RELATIVE focus_det ROTATED (0,0,0) RELATIVE focus_det

COMPONENT emon2 = E_monitor(
	xmin = -0.02, xmax = 0.02, 
	ymin = -0.05, ymax = 0.05,
	Emin = 10, Emax = 20, nchan = 35,
	filename = "sim/in14_EM2.vmon")
  AT(0, 0, 0.01) RELATIVE focus_det ROTATED (0,0,0) RELATIVE focus_det

printf("Output files : %s %s %s %s\n",pfile,efile,dfile,kfile);


-------------- next part --------------
* McStas, version 1.1, released ??
*         Maintained by Kristian Nielsen and Kim Lefmann,
*         Risoe National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark
* Component: Flux_adapter
* Written by: EF, Oct 14, 1999, Rev Nov 17, 1999
* The routine changes the neutron flux (weight) in order to match
* a reference source table on disk. This file can be on format
* (k[Angs-1],p), (omega[meV],p), (lambda[Angs],p) where p is the weight
* A linear interpolation is performed during simulation.
* This component should be placed after a source, in order to 
* simulate a real source.
* file    : name of the file to look at (two columns data)
*           data should be sorted (ascending order) and monotonic
*           file can contain options (see below) as comment
* options : string that can contain 
*          "[ k p ]"      or "wavector" for file type
*          "[ omega p]"   or "energy" 
*          "[ lambda p ]" or "wavelength"
*          "set"          to set the weight according to the table
*          "multiply"     to multiply (instead of set) the weight by factor
*          "add"          to add to current flux
*          "unactivate"   to unactivate flux_adapter (in flux file for test)
*          "verbose"      to display additional informations
*      (xmin = -0.1, xmax = 0.1,
*       ymin = -0.1, ymax = 0.1,
*       file="source.flux",
*	options="")
* With file "source.flux" beeing something like
*       # energy multiply
*       # [ meV flux_factor ]
*	0   1
*	2   1.2
*	10  1.5
*	100 1
DEFINITION PARAMETERS (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, file, options)
OUTPUT PARAMETERS (KE_Table,Weight_Table,Type_table,Mode_Table,Length_Table,Step_Table)
STATE PARAMETERS (x,y,z,vx,vy,vz,t,s1,s2,p)
#define LINE_MAX_LENGTH  1024
#define UNKNOWN_TABLE    0
#define ENERGY_TABLE     1
#define FLUX_ADAPT_SET   0
#define FLUX_ADAPT_MULT  1
#define FLUX_ADAPT_ADD   2

    FILE *hfile;	/* id for data file */
    char  line[LINE_MAX_LENGTH];
    long  line_count_in_file  = 0;
    long  line_count_in_array = 0;
    long  malloc_size         = 100;
    char  flag_exit_loop      = 0;
    char  flag_in_array       = 0;
    char  Type_Table          = UNKNOWN_TABLE;
    double X,P;
    double *Weight_Table, *tmp_weight;
    double *KE_Table, *tmp_ke;
    long   Length_Table=0;
    double Step_Table=0;
    long   tmp_length  =0;
    long   tmp;
    char   Mode_Table  = FLUX_ADAPT_SET;
    char   verbose=0;
    int    i;
    double v2,K,L,E,new_p,slope;
    double X1,X2,Y1,Y2,step;
    /* end of declare */

    tmp_ke       = (double*)malloc(malloc_size*sizeof(double));
    tmp_weight   = (double*)malloc(malloc_size*sizeof(double));
    hfile = fopen(file, "r");
       fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s : could not open input file '%s'\n", mccompcurname, file);
    else /* now look for the data */
      /* initialize data array */
      if (strstr(options," k") 
       || strstr(options," K ") 
       || strstr(options,"wavevector"))
    	  Type_Table = WAVEVECTOR_TABLE;
      if (strstr(options,"omega") 
       || strstr(options," e ") 
       || strstr(options," E ") 
       || strstr(options,"energy"))
    	  Type_Table = ENERGY_TABLE;
      if (strstr(options,"lambda") 
       || strstr(options,"wavelength")
       || strstr(options," L "))
    	  Type_Table = WAVELENGTH_TABLE;
      if (strstr(options,"set"))
	Mode_Table  = FLUX_ADAPT_SET;
      if (strstr(options,"add"))
	Mode_Table  = FLUX_ADAPT_ADD;
      if (strstr(options,"multiply"))
	Mode_Table  = FLUX_ADAPT_MULT;
      if (strstr(options,"verbose"))
	verbose = 1;
    /* do main loop */
      while (!flag_exit_loop)
	if (fgets(line, LINE_MAX_LENGTH, hfile) != NULL)
	{ /* tries to read some informations */
	  for (i=0; (i < strlen(line)) && (i < LINE_MAX_LENGTH); i++) { line[i] = tolower(line[i]); }
	  if (strstr(line," k ") 
	   || strstr(line,"wavevector"))	/* overrides options */
	    Type_Table = WAVEVECTOR_TABLE;
          if (strstr(line," e ") 
	   || strstr(line,"omega") 
	   || strstr(line,"energy"))
    	    Type_Table = ENERGY_TABLE;
	  if (strstr(line,"lambda") 
	   || strstr(line," l ")
	   || strstr(line,"wavelength"))
    	    Type_Table = WAVELENGTH_TABLE;
	  if (strstr(line,"set"))
	    Mode_Table  = FLUX_ADAPT_SET;
	  if (strstr(line,"multiply"))
	    Mode_Table  = FLUX_ADAPT_MULT;
	  if (strstr(line,"add"))
	    Mode_Table  = FLUX_ADAPT_ADD;
	  if (strstr(line,"unactivate"))
	    Type_Table  = UNKNOWN_TABLE;;           
	  if (strstr(line,"verbose"))
	verbose = 1;
	  /* tries to read 2 numbers */
	  if (sscanf(line,"%lg %lg",&X,&P) == 2)
	  /* if succeed and not in array : initialize array */
	    if (!flag_in_array)
	      flag_in_array       = 1;
	      line_count_in_array = 0;
	      malloc_size         = 0;
	  /* if succeed and in array : add (and realloc if necessary) */
	    if (line_count_in_array+100 > malloc_size)
	      malloc_size += 100;
	      tmp_ke     = (double*)realloc(KE_Table,malloc_size*sizeof(double));
              tmp_weight = (double*)realloc(Weight_Table,malloc_size*sizeof(double));
	    tmp_ke[line_count_in_array]     = X;
	    tmp_weight[line_count_in_array] = P;
	  /* if does not succeed : set 'not in array' flag */
	     flag_in_array = 0;
	  flag_exit_loop = 1;
	/* else : end of file */
      Length_Table = line_count_in_array;
      if (Length_Table < 2) Type_Table = UNKNOWN_TABLE;	/* not enough points */
      if (verbose) 
        printf("Flux : %i points in %s\n",Length_Table, file);
	printf("Flux : data is [ ");
	if (Type_Table == ENERGY_TABLE) printf("Energy");
	if (Type_Table == WAVEVECTOR_TABLE) printf("Wavevector");
	if (Type_Table == WAVELENGTH_TABLE) printf("Wavelength");
	if (Type_Table == UNKNOWN_TABLE) printf("UNKNOWN (not used)");
	printf(", Flux ]");
	if (Mode_Table == FLUX_ADAPT_MULT) printf(" in multiply mode");
      tmp_length   = line_count_in_array;
      /* now re-sample with minimal step found in file */
      step = fabs(tmp_ke[1] - tmp_ke[0]); /* minimal step in KE */
      tmp = tmp_length;
      for (i=0; i < tmp_length - 1; i++)
        X2 = fabs(tmp_ke[i+1] - tmp_ke[i]);
	if (X2 < step)  step = X2; 
	else tmp--;
      } /* for */
      Step_Table = step;
      if (tmp > 0) /* table was not already evenly sampled */
        Length_Table = ceil(fabs(tmp_ke[tmp_length-1] - tmp_ke[0])/step);
	KE_Table     = (double*)malloc(Length_Table*sizeof(double));
        Weight_Table = (double*)malloc(Length_Table*sizeof(double));
	for (i=0; i < Length_Table; i++)
	  X = tmp_ke[0] + i*step;
	  KE_Table[i] = X;
	  /* look for number just after X in table tmp_ke */
	  while ((line_count_in_array < tmp_length-1) && (tmp_ke[line_count_in_array] < X)) line_count_in_array++;
	  X2 = tmp_ke[line_count_in_array];
	  X1 = tmp_ke[line_count_in_array-1];
	  Y2 = tmp_weight[line_count_in_array];
	  Y1 = tmp_weight[line_count_in_array-1];
	  if (X2-X1)
	  /* linear interpolation */
	    slope = (Y2-Y1)/(X2-X1);
	    new_p = Y1+slope*(X-X1);
	    Weight_Table[i] = new_p;
	    Weight_Table[i] = tmp_weight[line_count_in_array];
	} /* for */
	if (verbose) 
	  printf("Flux : resampled as %i points\n",Length_Table);
      } /* if tmp */
        Length_Table = tmp_length;
	KE_Table     = (double*)malloc(Length_Table*sizeof(double));
        Weight_Table = (double*)malloc(Length_Table*sizeof(double));
	for (i=0; i < tmp_length; i++)
	  KE_Table[i]     = tmp_ke[i];
	  Weight_Table[i] = tmp_weight[i];
    } /* if hfile */

  if (Type_Table && (x>xmin && x<xmax && y>ymin && y<ymax))
    v2 = (vx*vx + vy*vy + vz*vz);
    K = V2K*sqrt(v2);	/* k */
    L = (2*PI/K);	/* lambda */
    E = VS2E*v2;	/* energy */
    if (Type_Table == ENERGY_TABLE)     X=E;
    if (Type_Table == WAVEVECTOR_TABLE) X=K;
    if (Type_Table == WAVELENGTH_TABLE) X=L;
    /* table look up */
    /* look for number just after X in table */
    line_count_in_array = (X - KE_Table[0])/Step_Table;
    if (line_count_in_array < 1) line_count_in_array = 1;
    if (line_count_in_array >= Length_Table -1) line_count_in_array = Length_Table-1;
    X2 = KE_Table[line_count_in_array];
    X1 = KE_Table[line_count_in_array-1];
    Y2 = Weight_Table[line_count_in_array];
    Y1 = Weight_Table[line_count_in_array-1];
    if (X2-X1)
    /* linear interpolation */
      slope = (Y2-Y1)/(X2-X1);
      new_p = Y1+slope*(X-X1);
      if (Mode_Table == FLUX_ADAPT_MULT) p *= new_p;
      else p = new_p;
    if (Type_Table) ABSORB;


  multiline(5, (double)xmin, (double)ymin, 0.0,
               (double)xmax, (double)ymin, 0.0,
               (double)xmax, (double)ymax, 0.0,
               (double)xmin, (double)ymax, 0.0,
               (double)xmin, (double)ymin, 0.0);


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