Thanks for your program , and I need a help

張添尚 u840163 at
Wed Mar 29 04:56:17 CEST 2000

Dear  Dr.  Kristian  and  Dr.  Nielsen

How do you do!

Nice to write to you!

I  am  a  student  , and  now I am trying to simulate a instrument  for
SANS (Small angle

neutron scattering ) of  nuclear  reactor.

I  have downloaded  your  simulation  program. I  try  to  make  up  a
system  for  your

simulation  program. And  the  sourround   seemed  to  be  accepted  by
your  program .

I  have  tried  the  examples . It  compiles  and  calculates
successfully .

But  now,  I  contact  some  problems , like  the  form  after
calculated  ,what  it  means ,

and  how  should  I  tran  the  data  into  a  graph .Or  the  other
forms  that  I  can  get

the  informations  more  clearly . And  I  want  to  know  the
flowchart  to  use  your

program  after  it  have  installed  on  our  workstation more  detail .

Otherwise , can  you  give  me  the  informatins , insturments , and
programs  about

SANS ( Small  angle  neutron  scattering ) .

I  need  your  help , can  you  do  me  a  favor .

Thanks  a  lot .

                                                      Tain-Shang  Chang

                                                       E-mail :
u840163 at

                                                      National  Tsing
Hua  University ,  R . O . C
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