New version McStas 1.4.1 including minor fixes

Per-Olof Åstrand per-olof.aastrand at
Wed Mar 14 13:40:23 CET 2001

Dear McStas user,

I plan to distribute a version 1.4.1 of McStas on Friday this week
containing some minor fixes. If you should update or not you can decide
from the homepage, . Briefly,
it will include:

a) the fix for running simulations longer than 2E9 steps
b) the signal handling system provided by Emmanuel Farhi
c) a correction of the old bug for string parameters in instruments
d) some new and updated components

If there are any other minor changes that are available and should be
included, please, let me know.

Best regards,

Per-Olof Åstrand

Per-Olof Åstrand
Dept. of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen
and Materials Research Department, Risø National Laboratory
per-olof.aastrand at or per-olof.aastrand at and

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