McStas 1.4.1 available

Per-Olof Åstrand per-olof.aastrand at
Fri Mar 16 13:06:46 CET 2001

Dear McStas user,

An updated version of McStas 1.4 is available from the McStas webpage
http://www.neutron.risoe/mcstas . It contains bug fixes (most of them
kindly provided by Emmanuel Farhi) and a new signal handling routine
written by Emmanuel Farhi in addition to some new and updated
components. Before you update, you should read about the extensions in
detail to see if it is necessary for you to update. It is also the first
time I try Kristian's automatic routine for creating a distribution, but
let's hope that it works...

I will also take the opportunity to discuss in more detail on how I look
at new releases. With Internet you can more or less update your software
automatically every day (e.g Debian's GNU/Linux), and the time when you
got your updates on a CD once a year has passed. There will of course
not be a new McStas release every day, but I think I will create a
version 1.4.x more or less on request from users. Therefore users should
be careful about upgrading if new releases become frequent. A version
1.5 would require a new manual and a version 2.0 does not guarantee any
backwards compability. Comments are welcome!

Best regards,

Per-Olof Åstrand

Per-Olof Åstrand
Dept. of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen
and Materials Research Department, Risø National Laboratory
per-olof.aastrand at or per-olof.aastrand at and

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