A guide component with intrinsic waviness

Kim Lefmann kim.lefmann at risoe.dk
Mon Oct 15 15:55:13 CEST 2001

Dear fellow simulators,

For McStas 1.5, I have written a guide component with waviness, in
collaboration with P. Boni, TU Muenchen, and P. Allenspach, PSI:


The first simulations using this component was presented on the SPIE
conference this summer, and a submitted paper exist in preprint form.

Details about the component:

- rectangular input and output apertures of possibly different sizes
- different m-values, and other reflectivity parameters for each of
the 4 walls
- Gaussian waviness, possibly different in the flight and transverse
- Example reflectivity parameters given in comments
- Gravity NOT included (I might do later if there is a request)

All the best,


Kim Lefmann
Senior Scientist
Dept. Cond. Matt. Phys. & Chem.
Risoe National Laboratory

Phone: +45 46 77 47 26
Fax:   +45 46 77 47 90

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