[neutron-mc] Bender.comp
Markus Bleuel
mbleuel at ph.tum.de
Tue Sep 17 14:45:56 CEST 2002
Hello World !
This is my first posting here, so I hope, I am following the rules how
to post :)
My question concerns the component bender.comp (see testfile and results
If you make a simple testfile with a Source_flat_lambda, a bender
(r=1640 stands for
critical lambda 1.8 Ang) and a L_monitor, your results are showing a
sharp edge
at 10 Ang., which seems to have no physical meening!?
So, what is wrong?
In an more complex arrangement it seems, that it is possible to move
this edge to shorter
I am using 1.6-McTas-ILL-Alpha-version, downloaded some months ago.
Thank you and best wishes,
double m1 = 2.0; double m2 = 2.5;
double alp = 6.49; double CW = 0.003333;
COMPONENT a1 = Arm()
COMPONENT source = Source_flat_lambda(
radius = 0.15, dist = 2.595,
xw = 0.11, yh = 0.17, lambda_0 = 7.0, d_lambda = 6.0)
AT (0,0,0) RELATIVE a1 ROTATED (0,0,0) RELATIVE a1
COMPONENT segment_5 = Bender(
w = 0.06, h = 0.12, r = 1640.0, d = 0.001,
Win = 0.0091526, k = 1,
R0a = 1.0, Qca = 0.0217, alphaa = alp, ma = m1, Wa = CW,
R0i = 1.0, Qci = 0.0217, alphai = alp, mi = m1, Wi = CW,
R0s = 1.0, Qcs = 0.0217, alphas = alp, ms = m1, Ws = CW)
AT (0, 0, 2.506) RELATIVE a1 ROTATED (0, 0, 0) RELATIVE a1
COMPONENT lmonben1 = L_monitor(
xmin = -0.04, xmax = 0.04, ymin = -0.08, ymax = 0.08,
Lmin = 1.0, Lmax = 13.0, nchan = 100,
filename = "test2lam.dat")
AT(0.0, 0, 17.612) RELATIVE a1 ROTATED (0,0,0) RELATIVE a1
Result after a -n1e8 run:
7.3 1.46004E-7 5.21428E-10 270159
7.42 1.50365E-7 5.28719E-10 276887
7.54 1.54494E-7 5.36173E-10 283893
7.66 1.59105E-7 5.43543E-10 291193
7.78 1.6285E-7 5.49609E-10 296925
7.9 1.6791E-7 5.5796E-10 304321
8.02 1.72998E-7 5.66146E-10 309485
8.14 1.78229E-7 5.74829E-10 317250
8.26 1.81462E-7 5.79306E-10 321653
8.38 1.8712E-7 5.8833E-10 327975
8.5 1.91561E-7 5.946E-10 333478
8.62 1.96828E-7 6.02968E-10 338537
8.74 2.0154E-7 6.09856E-10 343613
8.86 2.06587E-7 6.1727E-10 348948
8.98 2.12541E-7 6.25957E-10 353875
9.1 2.16428E-7 6.31294E-10 358414
9.22 2.21342E-7 6.38075E-10 362363
9.34 2.25969E-7 6.44888E-10 365595
9.46 2.32169E-7 6.5335E-10 370875
9.58 2.36934E-7 6.59969E-10 374551
9.7 2.419E-7 6.66328E-10 376849
9.82 2.45632E-7 6.71342E-10 379173
9.94 2.51578E-7 6.79277E-10 382734
10.06 1.40794E-7 4.89174E-10 277661
10.18 1.4379E-7 4.93941E-10 277384
10.3 1.45545E-7 4.96846E-10 278599
10.42 1.48592E-7 5.01673E-10 278409
10.54 1.50061E-7 5.04396E-10 278020
10.66 1.52857E-7 5.08223E-10 278929
10.78 1.55089E-7 5.11897E-10 278490
10.9 1.55753E-7 5.12374E-10 276432
11.02 1.58564E-7 5.16886E-10 277895
11.14 1.6188E-7 5.22056E-10 278043
11.26 1.6399E-7 5.25317E-10 276975
11.38 1.65892E-7 5.2822E-10 275495
11.5 1.68624E-7 5.32651E-10 275477
11.62 1.70619E-7 5.3584E-10 273657
11.74 1.7173E-7 5.36945E-10 271863
11.86 1.7421E-7 5.40271E-10 271479
11.98 1.76753E-7 5.44249E-10 271003
12.1 1.79409E-7 5.48525E-10 270045
12.22 1.80748E-7 5.50304E-10 268898
12.34 1.82993E-7 5.5365E-10 266701
12.46 1.85167E-7 5.5699E-10 265435
12.58 1.87056E-7 5.59871E-10 263545
12.7 1.88518E-7 5.61226E-10 263327
12.82 1.91012E-7 5.65111E-10 261872
12.94 1.93251E-7 5.6848E-10 260995
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