[neutron-mc] mcdisplay zooming
Dalgliesh, RM (Robert)
R.M.Dalgliesh at rl.ac.uk
Fri Jun 6 14:46:52 CEST 2003
Hi Emmanuel,
Thanks for the quick reply.
I have the plotlib stuff installed and the scilab interface looks great and
is much nicer to use. The rotation works fine but the zooming doesn't seem
to. I get the zoom rectangle but then when I left click again nothing
happens. Incidentally we have succeded in getting matlab interface to work
at ISIS using windows without any problems. (I would prefer to use linux
-----Original Message-----
From: Emmanuel Farhi [mailto:farhi at ill.fr]
Sent: 06 June 2003 13:22
To: neutron-mc at risoe.dk
Subject: Re: [neutron-mc] mcdisplay zooming
Hello Robert,
We've seen that bug recently, and we shall probably solve it soon.
Anyway, using Scilab plotter for McDisplay is much easier and nice to look
at (3D rotations, traces of many neutrons to view the beam, etc).
I think Scilab is part of the Redhat distribution. Just add the Plotlib
library (very easy to install).
"Dalgliesh, RM (Robert)" wrote:
I have compiled mcstas on a redhat 8 linux system with perl 5.8. The bulk of
the packages appear to be working fine but the zooming function in v1.7
mcdisplay for both the --multi PGPLOT and Scilab packages does not appear to
work properly.
I have tested the .out file I am using as a test with the mcstas-v1.6-ill
mcdisplay and this seems to work with no problems.
The latest version appears to add in an offset to the x-axis and also fails
to scale the 3 plots correctly. As far as I can see the do_zoom function
appears to be the same for the PGPLOT section of the code as it was for
v1.6. Does anyone have any thoughts as to why this may now be happening?
Robert Dalgliesh
neutron-mc mailing list
neutron-mc at neutron.risoe.dk
What's up Doc ?
Emmanuel FARHI, http://www.ill.fr/tas/people/Farhi.html
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