[neutron-mc] problem(?) with component monochromator_flat...

Ulrich C. Wildgruber MPI fuer Metallforschung Stuttgart wildgrub at dxray.mpi-stuttgart.mpg.de
Tue Jun 1 10:02:41 CEST 2004

"Ulrich C. Wildgruber MPI fuer Metallforschung Stuttgart" wrote:
> Hi everybody!
> I'd like to draw your attention to an instrument file (attached) were
> we don't understand what happens for certain input parameter sets:
> parameter set 1: TTM   = 80.0
>                  PHM   = 40.0
>                  E     = 4.131meV (4.45A)
>                  DWERT = 3.461(A)
> parameter set 2: TTM   = 84.0
>                  PHM   = 42.0
>                  E     = 4.131meV
>                  DWERT = 3.325
> If I did Bragg's equation right we should see a reflection in both
> cases. However the intensity is 0 for parameter set "2".
> What are we doing wrong?
> Any advice is appreciated!
> Thanks
> Ulrich
> --
> wildgrub at dxray.mpi-stuttgart.mpg.de
> wwwmf.mpi-stuttgart.mpg.de/abteilungen/dosch/dosch.html
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung | Technische Universität München
> Heisenbergstr. 3                        | ZWE Neue Forschungs-Neutronenquelle
>                                         | Instrumentierung
> D-70569 Stuttgart                       | D-85747 Garching/München
> Tel.: (+49)-711-689-1900                | Tel.: (+49)-89-289-14681
> Fax.: (+49)-711-689-1902                | Fax.: (+49)-89-289-14666
>   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> /*                                              test version 05/2004            */
> /*                                                                              */
> %{
> double dist1 = 2.5;
> double dist2 = 2.5;
> double beam_width = 0.05;
> double beam_height = 0.05;
> double mos0    = 22.6;
> double ref0    = 0.7;
> %}
> %{
> %}
> COMPONENT a1 = Arm()
>   AT (0,0,0) ABSOLUTE
> /*
> COMPONENT source = Source_div_lambda(
>         width    = 0.062,
>         height   = 0.122,
>         hdiv     = 1.0,
>         vdiv     = 1.0,
>         //lambda_0 = 2.0,
>         lambda_0 = LAMBDA,
>         d_lambda = 0.1)
>   AT (0,0,0) RELATIVE a1 ROTATED (0,0,0) RELATIVE a1
> */
> COMPONENT source = Source_div(
>         width    = 0.062,
>         height   = 0.122,
>         hdiv     = 1.0,
>         vdiv     = 1.0,
>         E0       = E,
>         dE       = 0.1)
>   AT (0,0,0) RELATIVE a1 ROTATED (0,0,0) RELATIVE a1
> /* monitoring primary beam... */
> COMPONENT sum1  = Monitor(
>         xmin = -0.1, xmax = 0.1,
>         ymin = -0.1, ymax = 0.1)
>   AT(0, 0, dist1+0.0171) RELATIVE a1 ROTATED (0,0,0) RELATIVE a1
> COMPONENT psd1 = PSD_monitor(
>         xmin = -0.1, xmax = 0.1,
>         ymin = -0.1, ymax = 0.1,
>         nx = 41,
>         ny = 41,
>         filename = "NL1.psd")
>   AT(0, 0, dist1+0.0172) RELATIVE a1 ROTATED (0,0,0) RELATIVE a1
> COMPONENT div1 = Divergence_monitor(
>         xmin = -0.1, xmax = 0.1,
>         ymin = -0.1, ymax = 0.1,
>         nh = 41,
>         nv = 41,
>         h_maxdiv = 2.0,
>         v_maxdiv = 2.0,
>         filename = "NL1.div")
>   AT(0, 0, dist1+0.0173) RELATIVE a1 ROTATED (0,0,0) RELATIVE a1
> /* end of monitoring primary beam... */
> /********************************************************/
> /*              Monochromator                           */
> /********************************************************/
> /****************************************/
> /* center crystal package  - position 0 */
> /****************************************/
> COMPONENT mono0 = Arm()
>   AT (0, 0, dist1+0.167+0) RELATIVE a1 ROTATED (0, PHM, 0) RELATIVE a1
> COMPONENT m0 = Monochromator_flat(
>         zmin = -0.011, zmax = +0.011,
>         ymin = -0.003, ymax = +0.003,
>         mosaich = mos0,
>         mosaicv = mos0,
>         r0 = ref0,
>         DM = DWERT)
>   AT (0, 0, 0) RELATIVE mono0 ROTATED (0, 0, 0) RELATIVE mono0
> /* monitoring transmitted beam... */
> COMPONENT psd2 = PSD_monitor(
>         xmin = -beam_width, xmax = beam_width,
>         ymin = -beam_height, ymax = beam_height,
>         nx = 41,
>         ny = 41,
>         filename = "MatDet2.psd")
>   AT(0, 0, dist1+.501) RELATIVE a1 ROTATED (0,0,0) RELATIVE a1
> COMPONENT sum2  = Monitor(
>         xmin = -beam_width, xmax = beam_width,
>         ymin = -beam_height, ymax = beam_height)
>   AT(0, 0, dist1+0.502) RELATIVE a1 ROTATED (0,0,0) RELATIVE a1
> /* end of monitoring transmitted beam... */
> /* Bragg reflected beam along a2 */
> COMPONENT a2 = Arm()
>   AT (0, 0, 0) RELATIVE mono0 ROTATED (0, TTM, 0) RELATIVE a1
> /* monitoring Brag reflected beam... */
> COMPONENT psd3 = PSD_monitor(
>         xmin = -beam_width, xmax = beam_width,
>         ymin = -beam_height, ymax = beam_height,
>         nx = 41,
>         ny = 41,
>         filename = "MatDet3.psd")
>   AT(0, 0, dist2+0.001) RELATIVE a2 ROTATED (0,0,0) RELATIVE a2
> COMPONENT sum3  = Monitor(
>         xmin = -beam_width, xmax = beam_width,
>         ymin = -beam_height, ymax = beam_height)
>   AT(0, 0, dist2+0.002) RELATIVE a2 ROTATED (0,0,0) RELATIVE a2
> COMPONENT div3 = Divergence_monitor(
>         xmin = -beam_width, xmax = beam_width,
>         ymin = -beam_height, ymax = beam_height,
>         nh = 41,
>         nv = 41,
>         h_maxdiv = 2.0,
>         v_maxdiv = 2.0,
>         filename = "MatDet3.div")
>   AT(0, 0, dist2+0.004) RELATIVE a2 ROTATED (0,0,0) RELATIVE a2
> /* end of monitoring Bragg reflected beam... */
>   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> neutron-mc mailing list
> neutron-mc at risoe.dk
> http://neutron.risoe.dk/mailman/listinfo/neutron-mc

Hi again!

Sorry for bothering everybody with my little problem on Friday.
I was not aware of the fact that my components 'psd2' and 'sum2'
which were supposed to monitor the beam transmitted through the 
monochromator caused the strange behaviour.
Do I need to learn how to use 'groups' to avoid this effect?
Thanks for reading my mail and for suggestions...
I am assuming there is no simple fix to teach 
McStas to respond in a more 'natural' way...


wildgrub at dxray.mpi-stuttgart.mpg.de
Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung	| Technische Universität München
Heisenbergstr. 3		        | ZWE Neue Forschungs-Neutronenquelle
					| Instrumentierung
D-70569 Stuttgart			| D-85747 Garching/München
Tel.: (+49)-711-689-1900		| Tel.: (+49)-89-289-14681
Fax.: (+49)-711-689-1902		| Fax.: (+49)-89-289-14666

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