[neutron-mc] ILL 18 months position: McStas simulations and development

Emmanuel FARHI farhi at ill.fr
Fri Nov 5 23:01:26 CET 2004

Dear Neutron MC users,

A short-term position is currently available in the Computing for
Science group at the Institut Laue Langevin, Grenoble, France
(http://www.ill.fr). The work involved concerns the use and development
of neutron ray-tracing, Monte Carlo codes to simulate neutron guides and
instruments at ILL. This work is part of an on-going effort to improve
neutron instrumentation and offer the best possible instruments at ILL.

The successful candidate will use the McStas code to simulate neutron
guides and instruments, in collaboration with ILL scientists.
Simulations will be carefully validated and benchmarked against
measurements. Development of the McStas code will involve new components
for polarised neutrons and for samples and the sample environment.
He/she should have a PhD in one of the physical sciences and be familiar
with neutron scattering at large scale facilities. Good computing skills
(C language, Unix/Linux systems) are essential.

The duration of this position is 18 months. The salary will be about
3000 Euros/month brut, depending on age and experience.

Applications, including a CV, a letter of motivation and two letters of
recommendation, should be sent to Emmanuel Farhi <farhi at ill.fr>  or Mark
Johnson <johnson at ill.fr> by 15.12.2004.

FARHI Emmanuel <farhi at ill.fr>
Groupe DS/CS, ILL4/156, Tel 04 76 20 71 35
ILL, BP 156, Grenoble Cedex 9, France

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