[neutron-mc] Minor corrections to mcstas-1.9.1 package
Peter Willendrup
peter.willendrup at risoe.dk
Tue Apr 18 13:07:32 CEST 2006
Hello everyone,
Unfortunately, the example instrument PSI_Focus provided with
mcstas-1.9.1 contains a bug that makes the instrument not compile. Find
attached an updated version to put in your MCSTAS/examples/ directory.
For people running McStas on FreeBSD and derived systems (tested on a
FreeBSD 6.0 system), mcstas-r.h needs a minor correction. Find attached
an updated version to put in your MCSTAS/share/ directory.
How to find your MCSTAS directory:
- On Unix systems the MCSTAS directory is usually /usr/local/lib/mcstas.
- On windows machines, this directory is typically c:\mcstas\lib
Peter Willendrup
Peter Willendrup <peter.willendrup at risoe.dk>
Risø National Laboratory
-------------- next part --------------
/* Instrument: FOCUS
* %Identification
* Written by: <a href="mailto:Uwe.Filges at psi.ch">Uwe Filges</a>
* Date: Jan 2004
* Origin: <a href="http://www.psi.ch">PSI</a>
* The FOCUS Spectrometer at PSI (Paul Scherrer Institute,Switzerland)
* %Description
* This instrument is a model of the FOCUS Spectrometer at PSI, Villigen, CH.
* input parameters :
* lambda : source energy [Angs]
* chopp_ratio : chopper radio Fermi Chopper to Disk Chopper [1]
* DET : Detector angle [deg]
* building :
* mcstas focus_psi.instr
* gcc -O -o focus_psi.out focus_psi.c -lm
* Example: mcrun focus_psi.instr -n 1e6 lambda=3.4 chopp_ratio=1 DET=-69.9
* %Parameters
* lambda : source energy [Angs]
* chopp_ratio : chopper radio Fermi Chopper to Disk Chopper [1]
* DET : Detector angle [deg]
* %Link
* Written by U.Filges <uwe.filges at psi.ch> PSI, Jan 2004
* %End
DEFINE INSTRUMENT FOCUS(lambda=3.4, chopp_ratio=1, DET=-69.9)
double lambda;
double chopp_ratio;
double DET;
double PHM, TTM;
double fo_x, fo_z;
double RV_2, RH_2;
double FO_PHA;
/* mono d-spacing */
double monodd = 3.355;
/* time constant [mus/A/m] */
double c = 252.78;
/* distance sample - detector */
double dsd = 2.5;
/* distance guide - monochromator */
double dgm = 2.996;
/* distance fermi-chopper - sample */
double dfcs = 0.4997;
/* distance disk chopper - monochromator */
double ddcm = 2.944;
/* distance monochromator - fermi-chopper */
double mfc = 1.002;
/* distance monochromator - sample */
double dms = 1.4997;
/* setting range of sources */
double dL = 0.7;
double LMIN, LMAX;
double EMIN, EMAX;
/* setting theta and 2Theta */
PHM = asin(lambda/2/monodd)*180/PI;
TTM = 2*PHM;
/* setting speed of Fermi chopper, Disk chopper */
/* calculate the phase between Fermi and Disk chopper */
FO_PHA = (c*lambda*(ddcm+mfc))/1e6;
/* setting monochromator curvature */
RV_2 = 2*dms*(sin(DEG2RAD*PHM));
RH_2 = 2*dms/(sin(DEG2RAD*PHM));
/* focusing neutrons on detector */
fo_x = 2.5*sin(DET*PI/180);
fo_z = 2.5*cos(DET*PI/180);
/* setting E and L monitors */
LMIN = lambda - dL;
LMAX = lambda + dL;
EMIN = 81.81/(LMAX*LMAX);
EMAX = 81.81/(LMIN*LMIN);
COMPONENT a1 = Arm()
/* values for guide side window RNR11 */
COMPONENT csource = Source_gen(
h = 0.135, w = 0.08, dist=1.77, xw = 0.05, yh = 0.12,
Lambda0 = 3.4, dLambda = dL, T1= 296.16, I1=8.5E11,
T2=40.68, I2=5.2E11)
AT (0,0,0) RELATIVE a1 ROTATED (0,0,0) RELATIVE a1
/* guide segment 1, m=2, 4.66 m */
COMPONENT guide1 = Guide(w1=0.05, h1=0.12, w2=0.05, h2=0.12,
l=4.66, R0=0.995, Qc=0.0217, alpha = 5.76,
m = 2.0, W = 0.0033)
AT (0,0,1.5) RELATIVE a1 ROTATED (0,0,0) RELATIVE a1
/* guide segment 2, curved, m=2, 24.5 m */
COMPONENT guide2 = Bender(
w = 0.05, h = 0.12, r = 1445, R0a = 0.995, Qca = 0.0217,
alphaa = 5.76, ma = 2, Wa = 0.0033, R0i = 0.995, Qci = 0.0217,
alphai = 5.76, mi = 2, Wi = 0.0033, R0s = 0.995, Qcs = 0.0217,
alphas = 5.76, ms = 2, Ws = 0.0033, l = 24.5)
AT (0,0,6.16) RELATIVE a1 ROTATED (0,0,0) RELATIVE a1
/* bunker wall, m=2, 3.0 m */
COMPONENT bunker = Guide(w1=0.05, h1=.12, w2=0.05, h2=.12,
l=3.0, R0=0.995, Qc=0.0217, alpha = 5.76, m = 2.0, W = 0.0033)
AT (0,0,30.66) RELATIVE a1 ROTATED (0,0,0) RELATIVE a1
/* guide segment 3, m=2, 32.95 m */
COMPONENT guide3 = Guide(w1=0.05, h1=.12, w2=0.05, h2=.12,
l=32.95, R0=0.995,Qc=0.0217, alpha = 5.76, m = 2.0, W = 0.0033)
AT (0,0,33.66) RELATIVE a1 ROTATED (0,0,0) RELATIVE a1
/* guide exit at 66.61 m - measured flux 2.53 10e8 cm-2 s-1 mA-1 */
COMPONENT LambdaGuideExit = L_monitor(
xmin = -0.025, xmax = 0.025, ymin = -0.06, ymax = 0.06,
Lmin = LMIN, Lmax = LMAX, nchan = 60,
filename = "lambdaguide.dat")
AT(0, 0, 66.611) RELATIVE a1 ROTATED (0,0,0) RELATIVE a1
COMPONENT DivMonGuideExit = Divergence_monitor(
nh=60, nv=60, filename="divguide.dat",
xmin=-0.025, xmax=0.025, ymin=-0.06, ymax=0.06,
h_maxdiv=2, v_maxdiv=2)
AT (0, 0, 66.612) RELATIVE a1 ROTATED (0, 0, 0) RELATIVE a1
COMPONENT PSDGuideExit = PSD_monitor(
xmin=-0.025, xmax=0.025, ymin=-0.06, ymax=0.06,
nx=60, ny=60, filename="psdguide.dat")
AT (0, 0, 66.613) RELATIVE a1 ROTATED (0, 0, 0) RELATIVE a1
/* Shutter position - distance neutron guide to FOCUS trumpet 0.06 m */
COMPONENT FOCUSguide = Channeled_guide(
w1 = 0.05, h1 = 0.12,
w2 = 0.05, h2 = 0.095,
l = 2.95, R0 = 0.995, Qcx = 0.0217, Qcy = 0.0217,
alphax = 5.76, alphay = 5.64, W = 0.0033,
k = 1, d = 0.002, mx = 2.4, my = 3)
AT (0, 0, 66.67) RELATIVE a1 ROTATED (0, 0, 0) RELATIVE a1
/* distance guide exit to chopper center 0.054 m */
COMPONENT FirstChopper = DiskChopper(theta_0=0, compat=1, abs_out=0,
R = 0.35, w = 0.07, omega = DISC_SPEED, n = 2, t_0 = FO_PHA, IsFirst = 1)
AT (0, 0, 69.674) RELATIVE a1
nchan = 30, filename = "DISC_TOF.dat", xmin = -0.05,
xmax = 0.05, ymin = -0.1, ymax = 0.1, dt = 100)
AT (0, 0, 69.718) RELATIVE a1
COMPONENT PSDmon1Chopper = PSD_monitor(
xmin=-0.05, xmax=0.05, ymin=-0.1, ymax=0.1,
nx=60, ny=60, filename="psdchopper.dat")
AT (0, 0, 69.719) RELATIVE a1 ROTATED (0, 0, 0) RELATIVE a1
/* Be-filter optinal; distance chopper center to Be-Filter entry 0.06 m,
Filter length 0.17 m */
COMPONENT BeFilter = Filter(
xmin = -0.035, xmax = 0.035, ymin = -0.06, ymax = 0.06,
len = 0.17, T0 = 0.9, T1 = 0.1, Emin = 0.5, Emax = 20.0)
AT (0, 0, 69.717) RELATIVE a1
/* distance chopper center to vakuum tube entry 0.398 m */
/* vacuum tube part 1, 0.535 m */
COMPONENT VacuumTube1entry = Slit(radius = 0.085)
AT (0, 0, 70.072) RELATIVE a1
COMPONENT VacuumTube1exit = Slit(radius = 0.085)
AT (0, 0, 70.607) RELATIVE a1
/* vacuum tube part 2, 0.795 m */
COMPONENT VacuumTube2entry = Slit(radius = 0.1)
AT (0, 0, 70.607) RELATIVE a1
COMPONENT VacuumTube2exit = Slit(radius = 0.1)
AT (0, 0, 71.402) RELATIVE a1
/* vacuum tube part 3, 0.605 m */
COMPONENT VacuumTube3entry = Slit(radius = 0.1335)
AT (0, 0, 71.402) RELATIVE a1
COMPONENT VacuumTube3exit = Slit(radius = 0.1335)
AT (0, 0, 72.007) RELATIVE a1
/* distance vakuum tube exit to monochromator center 0.610 m */
COMPONENT PSDmonMono = PSD_monitor(
xmin=-0.05, xmax=0.05, ymin=-0.1, ymax=0.1,
nx=60, ny=60, filename="psdmono.dat")
AT (0, 0, 72.4) RELATIVE a1 ROTATED (0, 0, 0) RELATIVE a1
nchan = 30, filename = "MONO_TOF.dat", xmin = -0.05,
xmax = 0.05, ymin = -0.1, ymax = 0.1, dt = 1000)
AT (0, 0, 72.41) RELATIVE a1
COMPONENT DivMonMono = Divergence_monitor(
nh=60, nv=60, filename="divmono.dat",
xmin=-0.05, xmax=0.05, ymin=-0.1, ymax=0.1,
h_maxdiv=3, v_maxdiv=3)
AT (0, 0, 72.42) RELATIVE a1 ROTATED (0, 0, 0) RELATIVE a1
COMPONENT focus_mono = Arm()
AT (0, 0, 72.617) RELATIVE a1 ROTATED (0, PHM, 0) RELATIVE a1
/* PG002=3.355 AA */
COMPONENT mono = Monochromator_2foc(
zwidth = 0.019, yheight = 0.025, gap = 0.001,
NH = 9, NV = 7,
mosaich = 48, mosaicv = 48,
r0 = 0.99,
Q = 1.873,
RV = RV_2, RH = RH_2)
AT (0, 0, 0) RELATIVE focus_mono
COMPONENT a2 = Arm()
AT (0,0,0) RELATIVE focus_mono ROTATED (0, TTM, 0) RELATIVE a1
COMPONENT FERMITOF_before = TOF_monitor(
nchan = 30, filename = "FERMI_TOF_before.dat", xmin = -0.03,
xmax = 0.03, ymin = -0.05, ymax = 0.05, dt = 1000)
AT (0, 0, 0.9) RELATIVE a2
COMPONENT LambdaFermi = L_monitor(
xmin = -0.05, xmax = 0.05, ymin = -0.1, ymax = 0.1,
Lmin = LMIN, Lmax = LMAX, nchan = 60,
filename = "lambdafermi.dat")
AT(0, 0, 0.901) RELATIVE a2
COMPONENT EMON_Fermi = E_monitor(
xmin = -0.03, xmax = 0.03, ymin = -0.05, ymax = 0.05,
Emin = EMIN, Emax = EMAX, nchan = 60,
filename = "emon_fermi.dat")
AT(0, 0, 0.9397) RELATIVE a2 ROTATED (0,0,0) RELATIVE a2
COMPONENT DivMonfermi1 = Divergence_monitor(
nh=30, nv=30, filename="divfermi1.dat",
xmin=-0.03, xmax=0.03, ymin=-0.05, ymax=0.05,
h_maxdiv=2, v_maxdiv=2)
AT (0, 0, 0.9398) RELATIVE a2
COMPONENT PSD_Fermi1 = PSD_monitor(
xmin=-0.03, xmax=0.03, ymin=-0.055, ymax=0.055,
nx=30, ny=30, filename="psdfermi1.dat")
AT (0, 0, 0.9399) RELATIVE a2 ROTATED (0, 0, 0) RELATIVE a2
COMPONENT FoChopper = FermiChopper(
dist = 0, rad = 0.06, nu = FERMI_SPEED, ymin = -0.055,
ymax = 0.055, w = 0.0005, Nslit = 120, alpham = 0,
Qc = 0 , m = 0, Wi = 0.0001, R0 = 0, Vi = 0.0001, slit = 0.012)
AT (0, 0, 1.002) RELATIVE a2
COMPONENT PSD_Fermi2 = PSD_monitor(
xmin=-0.03, xmax=0.03, ymin=-0.055, ymax=0.055,
nx=30, ny=30, filename="psdfermi2.dat")
AT (0, 0, 1.063) RELATIVE a2 ROTATED (0, 0, 0) RELATIVE a2
COMPONENT DivMonfermi2 = Divergence_monitor(
nh=30, nv=30, filename="divfermi2.dat",
xmin=-0.03, xmax=0.03, ymin=-0.05, ymax=0.05,
h_maxdiv=2, v_maxdiv=2)
AT (0, 0, 1.064) RELATIVE a2
nchan = 30, filename = "FERMI_TOF1.dat", xmin = -0.03,
xmax = 0.03, ymin = -0.05, ymax = 0.05, dt = 1000)
AT (0, 0, 1.154) RELATIVE a2
xmin = -0.01, xmax = 0.01, ymin = -0.03, ymax = 0.03)
AT (0, 0, 1.155) RELATIVE a2
nchan = 30, filename = "FERMI_TOF2.dat", xmin = -0.05,
xmax = 0.05, ymin = -0.1, ymax = 0.1, dt = 100)
AT (0, 0, 1.2) RELATIVE a2
nchan = 30, filename = "FERMI_TOF3.dat", xmin = -0.05,
xmax = 0.05, ymin = -0.1, ymax = 0.1, dt = 100)
AT (0, 0, 1.3) RELATIVE a2
nchan = 30, filename = "FERMI_TOF5.dat", xmin = -0.05,
xmax = 0.05, ymin = -0.1, ymax = 0.1, dt = 100)
AT (0, 0, 1.4) RELATIVE a2
xmin=-0.01, xmax=0.01, ymin=-0.05, ymax=0.05,
nx=30, ny=30, filename="psdsample.dat")
AT (0, 0, 1.45) RELATIVE a2 ROTATED (0, 0, 0) RELATIVE a2
COMPONENT DivMon_Sample = Divergence_monitor(
nh=30, nv=30, filename="div2.dat",
xmin=-0.005, xmax=0.005, ymin=-0.03, ymax=0.03,
h_maxdiv=3, v_maxdiv=3)
AT (0, 0, 1.451) RELATIVE a2 ROTATED (0, 0, 0) RELATIVE a2
xmin = -0.005, xmax = 0.005, ymin = -0.03, ymax = 0.03,
Emin = EMIN, Emax = EMAX, nchan = 60,
filename = "emon_sample.dat")
AT(0, 0, 1.452) RELATIVE a2 ROTATED (0,0,0) RELATIVE a2
/* sample position */
COMPONENT FoSample = V_sample(
radius_i = 0.0, radius_o = 0.008, h = 0.055, focus_r=0.4, pack=1,
target_x=fo_x, target_y=0, target_z=fo_z)
AT (0, 0, 1.5) RELATIVE a2
COMPONENT a3 = Arm()
COMPONENT FoDet = Monitor_nD(
xwidth = 0.336, yheight = 0.4,
options="t auto file=TofDet.dat")
AT (0, 0, 2.5) RELATIVE a3 ROTATED (0,DET,0) RELATIVE a2
xmin = -0.2, xmax = 0.2, ymin = -0.2, ymax = 0.2,
Emin = EMIN, Emax = EMAX, nchan = 80, filename = "emon_det.dat")
AT(0, 0, 2.501) RELATIVE a3 ROTATED (0,DET,0) RELATIVE a2
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