[neutron-mc] MPI support for SMP in Windows
Aaron M. Percival
percival at physics.queensu.ca
Tue May 8 16:06:01 CEST 2007
Hello all,
I'm having trouble using MPI support on my Window's based PC. I have MPICH
installed and am able to successfully get the example programs provided to
use both processors in my PC, however, I am unsuccessful at getting McStas
to do the same.
The problem is I cannot compile the file to generate an executable with MPI
support. Mpicc is a unix based program, and I cannot use it. Also when
using mcrun with the --mpi=2 argument, I get the following message in the
command prompt:
mcrun: No MPI/grid machine list.
Grid disabled, MPI will run locally...
Define /.mcstas-hosts
or C:\McStas\lib/tools/perl/mcstas-host
or use option --machines=<file>!
mcrun: You have no mpicc/mpirun available, --mpi disabled...
Any suggestions?
Aaron M. Percival
M.Sc. Candidate
Dept. of Physics, Engineering Physics & Astronomy
Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario, Canada, K7L 3N6
Office: 613-533-6000 ext. 74789
Fax: 613-533-6463
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