[neutron-mc] McStas 1.12 release

Peter Willendrup peter.willendrup at risoe.dk
Thu May 8 11:45:49 CEST 2008

Hello everyone,

The McStas developer team is happy to report that the 1.12 release of
our software is finally out.

You can get the installer package from http://www.mcstas.org/download

Among other things, the new release includes

* A new %include INSTR keyword for inclusion of instruments in  
* Many useful new features in mcgui
* Support for recent releases of Windows and Mac OS
* New components and example instruments
* Several improvements related to parallelisation

-  and many other useful new things.

For a complete list of changes, see


Best regards from

The McStas team:

Peter Willendrup   (Risø DTU)
Erik Knudsen (Risø DTU)
Emmanuel Farhi     (ILL)
Kim Lefmann        (NBI, Uni Copenhagen)

Ps: Two of us will be available at the ACNS conference from may 11th, we
encourage you see us there for software demos!

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