[mcstas-users] Problem about McStas version 1.12

Emmanuel FARHI farhi at ill.fr
Tue Aug 5 14:32:11 CEST 2008

Hi guys,

In principle, the virtual event files are saved in McStas native PGPLOT
format. The automated extension is indeed quite long, and you should use a
.dat or .txt in the filename.
I think the directory/font problem is probably the major reason for your


> (Sorry if you recieve this message twice - realised I attached a BIG
> zip file on last reply - replaced by an http URL this time)
> Hello Tom,
> On Aug 4, 2008, at 9:04 AM, wokaoyan1981 wrote:
>> I updated McStas to version 1.12. Learning to use component
>> Virtual_output and Virtual_input,a problem is met:
>> I've got "DataAfterSource_list.p.x.y.z.vx.vy.vz.t.sx.sy.sz"
>> running  the codes below(ncount=1e7):
>> < Cut >
>> COMPONENT LDafterSource = L_monitor(
>>    filename = "LDafterSource.txt", xwidth = 0.2, yheight = 0.2,
>>    Lmin = 0.8, Lmax = 15)
>>  AT (0, 0, 0.5) RELATIVE PREVIOUS
>>   I run it with ncount=1e7(corresponding to repeat_count=1), plot
>> result,format:Scilab. But the expected LDafterSource.sci file is not
>> created. Only a mcstas.sci is made.  Then how can I take a look at
>> the results on detector?
> In your LDafterSource definition above, your filename is
> "LDafterSource.txt", ie. with an appended "txt" - could this be the
> source of your problem? (And this is only a problem if you run mcplot
> LDafterSource.txt directly. Running mcplot or mcplot mcstas.sci works
> fine here.) Otherwise, I was perfectly able to run the instrument
> definitions from your last mail, adding in only DEFINE INSTRUMENT
> etc., see http://tmp.mcstas.org/Tom.zip , also including the output
> data from a run on Windows XP and a screenshot of the plot from Scilab.
>>   By the way, the "Test McStas installation" does not work properly
>> and files could not be saved under non_English directories.
> Running mcrun --test from e.g. c:\ works fine for me.
> It is well known that we do not support non-ascii charachters (and
> also spaces etc.) in filenames, this might change in the future. For
> now however, I have no way of testing how McStas runs with asian or
> other special character sets, sorry about that.
> Regards,
> Peter Willendrup
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FARHI Emmanuel <farhi at ill.fr>
Groupe DS/CS, ILL4/156, Tel 04 76 20 71 35
ILL, Grenoble
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