[mcstas-users] Could Virtual_output/Virtual_input raise efficiency?

wokaoyan1981 wokaoyan1981 at 126.com
Wed Aug 6 12:14:15 CEST 2008

Hi colleagues,

     Learning to use Virtual_output/Virtual_input, I found something interesting:

I put Virtual_output and PSD after monochromator to end the fisrt split simulation I1:


<CUT. Source, Channel, guide, Collimator and Monochromator. See my previous mail>


COMPONENT psd_after_mono = PSD_monitor(

    nx = 90, ny =90, filename = "psd_after_mono ",

    xwidth =0.2, yheight =0.2)

  AT (0, 0, 0.4) RELATIVE mono_out


COMPONENT DataAfterMono = Virtual_output(

    file = "DataAfterMono")

  AT (0, 0, 0.4) RELATIVE mono_out


Then run it with ncount=1E8 and Scilab format. The obtained data file “psd_after_mono” suggests I I_err N=[4.02214E+8 2.18807E+6 172701].

The second split simulation I2 only includes a PSD behind:


COMPONENT SourceAfterMono = Virtual_input(

    file = "DataAfterMono_list.p.x.y.z.vx.vy.vz.t.sx.sy.sz", repeat_count = 1)

  AT (0,0,0) ABSOLUTE

COMPONENT PsdAtEntrance = PSD_monitor(

    filename = "PsdAtEntrance", xwidth = 0.2, yheight = 0.2)

  AT (0, 0, 1.1) RELATIVE SourceAfterMono


Then ncount is set as 1E8 corresponding to repeat_count=1.To my surprise, running I2 needs 20 minutes as much time as I1.It means that, in this case, the use of  Virtual_output/Virtual_input would’t help to raise simulation efficiency.


I suspect the phenomenon is related to high I and N at SourceAfterMono. But I’m not sure. Would you please give some explanation?


Best wishes,


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