[mcstas-users] McStas 1.12b very near

Peter Willendrup pkwi at risoe.dtu.dk
Thu Jun 3 19:41:27 CEST 2010

Hello everyone,

We are almost done preparing the last of the McStas 1.x releases, McStas 1.12b, should be ready next week.

If you have useful self-written components among your files, now would be a good time to contribute them. Contributed components go in the contrib/ part of the library. The only 'requirements' for contributing are:

1) Well-written component header (have a look at existing comps for the formatting).
2) An example instrumentfile, with reasonable default input parameter values, generating data on monitors.

McStas 2.0 is expected around new year 2011, and will break certain backward compatibility. By contributing now, your components will be included and working in the McStas 1.12b release - and ported by the development team to McStas 2.0.

Best regards,

Peter Willendrup

Peter Willendrup - Development engineer

Materials Research Division
Frederiksborgvej 399
DK-4000 Roskilde

Tlf.: (+45) 4677 5862
Mobil.: (+45) 2125 4612
Fax.: (+45) 4766 5758
Email: pkwi at risoe.dtu.dk

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