[mcstas-users] Output Event NeXus file

Lynch, Vickie E. lynchve at ornl.gov
Mon Jan 31 22:12:21 CET 2011

We would like to output Event NeXus files from McStas with each event consisting of a detector pixel ID and TOF from the McStas simulation of POWGEN at SNS.  We are presently using Monitor_nD to write histogrammed NeXus files for the detectors.  What would be the easiest way to make this modification?

Vickie E. Lynch
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, PO Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6460
(865) 574-0623, Bldg. 8600, Room K-206-D, MS6460, lynchve at ornl.gov<mailto:lynchve at ornl.gov>
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