[mcstas-users] install problem MPICH

robert.dalgliesh at stfc.ac.uk robert.dalgliesh at stfc.ac.uk
Thu Jan 19 15:53:40 CET 2012

I haven’t managed to look at this yet but Peter suggested this when I asked a similar question in October last year for Ubuntu 10.10 onwards

Hi Rob,

Since you are trying to use mpd I guess that you have MPICH installed for parallelization? My suggestion would be to install openmpi instead:

apt-get install openmpi openmpi-devel

- and configure McStas to use that (mcstas_config.perl in /usr/local/lib/mcstas/tools/perl - put the relevant path to the mpirun and mpicc from the openmpi package). Openmpi uses an other transport mechanism that is not dependent on running an mpd process.

Hope this helps,




Peter Willendrup - Development engineer

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From: mcstas-users-bounces at mcstas.org [mailto:mcstas-users-bounces at mcstas.org] On Behalf Of Jean-Francois.Moulin at hzg.de
Sent: 19 January 2012 14:49
To: mcstas-users at mcstas.org
Subject: [mcstas-users] install problem MPICH

Hi !

I am having trouble with the installation under Linux Mint12 (a variant of Ubuntu 11.04).
I installed from deb file and mcgui was not showing the parameters of a simulation which was previously working. I tried the source and could not run because of MPI problems. I checked the configure output: seems it does not find mpi.h
I had mpich1 installed including the dev components. Then installed mpich2 (+dev) to no avail.

Any Idea?

I also do not have pearl-pdl installed but I saw that it depends on mpich1... so I would install it after fixing the mpich problem. Is there anything I should take care of there?

Thanks a lot for your help



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