[mcstas-users] mcgui does not work after shut down
Andreas Nørgård Larsen
plt572 at alumni.ku.dk
Thu Sep 19 13:59:30 CEST 2013
Dear MCSTAS experts,
I had mcstas installed and it worked. While I ran a simulation, my computer ran out of power and therefore shut down. It was without power for some hours.
When I turned on the computer again, the mcgui did not work.
I have Mac OS X 10.6.8 (Snowleopard).
when I try to run mcgui in the terminal, nothing happens. This is all I see:
Andreas-Nrgard-Larsens-MacBook-Pro:perl andreashlarsen$ mcgui
X11 doesn't even start. I can run mcstas with mcrun from terminal.
Since it worked before, I guess it would solve the problem to reinstall mcstas. How can I do that? I couldn't find any help on mcstas.org.
I hope you can help.
Andreas Larsen
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