[mcstas-users] Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, McStas 2.1 under way
Peter Kjær Willendrup
pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk
Fri Dec 20 15:07:52 CET 2013
Hi all,
First of all a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all McStas users!
The McStas team had hoped to have a new release ready before the Christmas break, but a few important things are still missing.
We now aim for release of McStas 2.1 in January 2014, with these important additions:
1. Updated ESS source module with implementation of the proposed “pancake” design (which is currently under evaluation as an option for ESS)
2. Easier-to-install packages for Mac OS X and Windows systems
3. An overhauled user manual and a revised component manual
4. New contributed components and instruments – Please send your potential contributions soon!
5. Final dismissal of the use of STATE and POLARISATION parameters
6. Revised implementation of the output routines with functional NeXus event-list support
7. Patched MPI event list implementation (2.0 and earlier releases would hang in case of an empty single-node event list)
8. Auto-generation of Mantid IDF xml files via Perl mcdisplay
All the best on behalf of the McStas team,
Peter Willendrup
Peter Kjær Willendrup
Senior Research Engineer, Special Advisor
DTU Physics
Technical University of Denmark
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pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk<mailto:pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk>
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