[mcstas-users] McStas 2.0 Installation from subversion tag
Felder, Christian
c.felder at fz-juelich.de
Wed Mar 26 09:11:14 CET 2014
I have recently installed McStas release 2.0 using your sources from subversion.
After installation some directories and binary files have a -2.9999-svn suffix but are relying on
system calls to e.g. mcstas without suffix.
I tried to patch this myself using sed because I did not figure out how to configure a build without the suffix
mentioned above. At the moment I resolved this issue using symlinks to the suffixed binaries.
How to disable -2.99-svn suffix? I would like to get rid off these symlinks.
See build instructions on bash below:
for my_dir in mcstas mcstas-comps tools/Legacy-Perl tools/Python/mcplot/matplotlib ;\
do \
rm -rf ${my_dir}/build ;\
mkdir -p ${my_dir}/build &&\
cd ${my_dir}/build ;\
-Denable_mcstas=1 .. ;\
cd - ;\
for my_dir in mcstas mcstas-comps tools/Legacy-Perl tools/Python/mcplot/matplotlib ;\
do \
cd ${my_dir}/build &&\
make -j2 ;\
cd - ;\
for my_dir in mcstas mcstas-comps tools/Legacy-Perl tools/Python/mcplot/matplotlib ;\
do \
cd ${my_dir}/build &&\
make install DESTDIR=${my_DESTDIR} ;\
cd - ;\
find ${my_DESTDIR} -name '.svn' -type d -exec rm -rf {}/ \\; || echo ;\
ln -s mccode-select-bundle-mcstas-2.9999-svn ${my_DESTDIR}/usr/local/bin/mccode-select-bundle-mcstas ;\
ln -s mccode-select-mcstas-2.9999-svn ${my_DESTDIR}/usr/local/bin/mccode-select-mcstas ;\
ln -s mcconfig-2.9999-svn ${my_DESTDIR}/usr/local/bin/mcconfig ;\
ln -s mcconvert-2.9999-svn ${my_DESTDIR}/usr/local/bin/mcconvert ;\
ln -s mcdaemon-2.9999-svn ${my_DESTDIR}/usr/local/bin/mcdaemon ;\
ln -s mcdisplay-2.9999-svn ${my_DESTDIR}/usr/local/bin/mcdisplay ;\
ln -s mcdoc-2.9999-svn ${my_DESTDIR}/usr/local/bin/mcdoc ;\
ln -s mcformat-2.9999-svn ${my_DESTDIR}/usr/local/bin/mcformat ;\
ln -s mcformatgui-2.9999-svn ${my_DESTDIR}/usr/local/bin/mcformatgui ;\
ln -s mcgui-2.9999-svn ${my_DESTDIR}/usr/local/bin/mcgui ;\
ln -s mcplot-2.9999-svn ${my_DESTDIR}/usr/local/bin/mcplot ;\
ln -s mcplot-2.9999-svn-matplotlib ${my_DESTDIR}/usr/local/bin/mcplot-matplotlib ;\
ln -s mcresplot-2.9999-svn ${my_DESTDIR}/usr/local/bin/mcresplot ;\
ln -s mcrun-2.9999-svn ${my_DESTDIR}/usr/local/bin/mcrun ;\
ln -s mcstas-2.9999-svn ${my_DESTDIR}/usr/local/bin/mcstas ;\
ln -s mcstas2vitess-2.9999-svn ${my_DESTDIR}/usr/local/bin/mcstas2vitess
Thanks in advance.
Christian Felder
Jülich Centre for Neutron Science JCNS
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
Outstation at MLZ
Lichtenbergstraße 1
85747 Garching
Telefon: +49 - 89 289 10 773
Telefax: +49 - 89 289 10 799
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