[mcstas-users] About Silicon analyzer

Jesús P. de Vicente jesuspedrodevicente at gmail.com
Mon Sep 8 17:13:22 CEST 2014

Dear McStas team,

I am trying to perform simulations with a silicon analyzer.

I use the *Single_crystal* component. For graphite material everything
works fine:
// *PG* *************************
  mosaic = 48,
  reflections = "C_graphite.lau", barns=0,
  ax=0,      ay=2.14,   az=-1.24,
  bx = 0,    by = 0,    bz =  2.47,
  cx = 6.71, cy = 0,    cz =  0,
  sigma_abs = 0.014, sigma_inc = 0.004,

But I do not get to work with silicon material. I use the following syntax:
// *Si* *************************
 reflections = "Si.lau", barns=0,
 mosaic = 0.1, delta_d_d = 3.10e-4,
 sigma_abs = 0.171, sigma_inc = 0.004,
 ax = 2.715, ay = 2.715, az = 0.0,
 bx = 0.0, by = 2.715, bz = 2.715,
 cx = 2.715, cy = 0.0, cz = 2.715,

I built a Si.lau file from the a Si.cif file using Crystallographica
I have tried lot of configurations, but I got always lot of peaks with the
backscatteing configuration. I tried also the simulation without the
reflection *.lau file but I have no peaks.

Do you know what would be the right way to perform a simulation with a
silicon analyzer using the Single_crystal component?

Thank you very much for your help.
Kind regards.

*Jesús P. de Vicente.-*
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