[mcstas-users] instr compilation fails

Jean-Francois.Moulin at hzg.de Jean-Francois.Moulin at hzg.de
Wed Mar 11 14:51:51 CET 2015


on a newly installed Mint 17.1 64 bit I installed Mcstas 2.1 from repo.
I was able to run some simulations but it seems that when an instr needs compilation, I get into trouble:

 jfmoulin at jfmlap:~/Lab/MCarlo/McStas$ mcgui refsans.instr 
[jfmlap:03276] [[INVALID],INVALID] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: A system-required executable either could not be found or was not executable by this user in file ess_singleton_module.c at line 231
[jfmlap:03276] [[INVALID],INVALID] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: A system-required executable either could not be found or was not executable by this user in file ess_singleton_module.c at line 140
[jfmlap:03276] [[INVALID],INVALID] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: A system-required executable either could not be found or was not executable by this user in file runtime/orte_init.c at line 128
Sorry!  You were supposed to get help about:
But I couldn't open the help file:
    /usr/share/openmpi/help-orte-runtime: No such file or directory.  Sorry!
Sorry!  You were supposed to get help about:
But I couldn't open the help file:
    /usr/share/openmpi/help-mpi-runtime: No such file or directory.  Sorry!
Sorry!  You were supposed to get help about:
    mpi_errors_are_fatal unknown handle
But I couldn't open the help file:
    /usr/share/openmpi/help-mpi-errors.txt: No such file or directory.  Sorry!
Sorry!  You were supposed to get help about:
    ompi mpi abort:cannot guarantee all killed
But I couldn't open the help file:
    /usr/share/openmpi/help-mpi-runtime.txt: No such file or directory.  Sorry!

Any help appreciated!


Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht
Institut für Werkstoffforschung
Abteilung WPN, Instrument REFSANS
Lichtenbergstr. 1
85747 Garching FRM II
Tel.: +49 (0)89 289 10762
Internet: http://www.frm2.tum.de
Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht 
Zentrum für Material- und Küstenforschung GmbH 
Max-Planck-Straße 1 I 21502 Geesthacht I Deutschland/Germany 

Geschäftsführer/Board of Management: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kaysser, Dipl.-Ing. Michael Ganß 
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates/Chairman of the Supervisory Board: MinDirig Wilfried Kraus 
Amtsgericht Lübeck HRB 285 GE (Register Court) 
Internet: http://www.hzg.de  

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