[mcstas-users] McStas 2.2 released!

Peter Kjær Willendrup pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk
Wed May 27 17:06:18 CEST 2015

Dear all,

McStas 2.2 has been released and is ready for download via http://downloads.mcstas.org/mcstas-2.2

Selected, important highligts from the release are:

• General:
• The new component/instrument keyword DEPENDENCY allows to automatically
   compile instruments with external libraries.
• The Mantid-IDF generation through our Perl mcdisplay tool has been optimized.
• Bugfix: The use of WHEN with EXTEND code only considered the first statement
  (report by M. Appel)
• Infrastructure:
• McStas (and its X-ray counterpart McXtrace) are now on GitHub,
  see https://github.com/McStasMcXtrace/McCode
• We will continually provide various bits of "missing information" on the related Wiki
  at https://github.com/McStasMcXtrace/McCode/wiki
• Components:
• A new model for the ESS butterfly moderator - see documentation for the ESS_moderator.comp.
  Developed by Peter Willendrup in close collaboration with Troels Schoenfeldt DTU Nutech/ESS.
** A separate document with recommended settings for this component will be released later,
also a version backported to McStas 1.12c. **
• The Isotropic_Sqw component was broken in McStas 2.1. The expected behaviour has been
  restored. Users of this component should upgrade to McStas 2.2 asap. Sorry for the inconvenience.
• Instruments:
• ILL_IN13 backscattering instrument contributed by Emmanuel Farhi
• ILL_IN4 tof instrument contributed by Emmanuel Farhi
• Datafiles:
• Improved water Sqw data files contributed by Emmanuel Farhi (- see also JNST 52 (2015) 844 )
• Added CaF2 crystal, improved Al2O3 sapphire transmission
• Tools:
• McStas 2.2 is the first release to include a first version of our new mcgui-py tool, based on Python,
  QT and Scintilla. We think it is a very nice start at this long-awaited replacement of mcgui (Perl)
  and want you to try it out even though a few edges may still be rough here and there. For installation
  instructions, see the README's included with the installation packages.
• McStas 2.2 further includes a simple mcplot plotter for Unix platforms (Linux, OS X) based solely on
  shell-script + Matlab/iFit/Octave, no need for Perl or Python with this plotter, called mcplot-matlab

Greetings from the McStas team - hope you will enjoy this new release! :-)

Peter Willendrup

Peter Kjær Willendrup
Senior Research Engineer, Special Advisor

DTU Physics

Technical University of Denmark

[cid:image002.gif at 01CCCAF1.5E6331F0]

Department of Physics

Building 307

DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby

Direct +45 2125 4612

Mobil +45 2125 4612
Fax +45 4593 2399

pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk<mailto:pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk>

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