From 104pet104 at Thu Oct 8 10:27:03 2015 From: 104pet104 at (=?UTF-8?B?0J/QtdGC0YAg0JrQvtC90LjQug==?=) Date: Thu, 8 Oct 2015 12:27:03 +0400 Subject: [mcstas-users] Xeon Phi support Message-ID: Dear collegues, we are thinking about new workstation mainly for McStas and Geant4 simulations. Does McStas supports Xeon Phi coprocessors, is it possible to use them to parallel MC simulations via MPI? Best regards, Peter Konik From Peter.Link at Fri Oct 9 09:01:33 2015 From: Peter.Link at (Peter Link) Date: Fri, 9 Oct 2015 09:01:33 +0200 Subject: [mcstas-users] guide_gravity including psd's for neutron loss registration Message-ID: <> Hi all, Andreas Ostermann and me here at MLZ (FRM II) adapted the Guide_gravity component to see the neutron loss into the substrate of a guide. Thinking this might be useful also for some of you, I attach the component file to this mail. Usage of course with no warranty ;) Best regards, Peter -- ********************************** Dr. Peter Link Head of Neutron Optics Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ) Technische Universit?t M?nchen Lichtenbergstr. 1 85747 Garching phone: +49 (0)89 289 14622 fax: +49 (0) 89 289 11694 -------------- next part -------------- /******************************************************************************* * * McStas, neutron ray-tracing package * Copyright (C) 1997-2008, All rights reserved * Risoe National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark * Institut Laue Langevin, Grenoble, France * * Component: Guide_gravity_psd * * %I * Written by: Emmanuel Farhi * Date: Aug 03 2001 * Version: $Revision$ * Origin: ILL (France). * Release: McStas CVS_080902 * Modified by: E. Farhi, from Gravity_guide by K. Lefmann (buggy). * Modified by: E. Farhi, focusing channels are now ok (Sept 4th, 2001). * Modified by: E. Farhi, 2D channel array. Correct focus bug (Dec 14th 2002) * Modified by: E. Farhi, Waviness+chamfers+nelements (Aug 19th 2003) * Modified by: P. Link, included side wall psd's for neutron loss registration (Oct 9th 2015) * * Neutron straight guide with gravity. Can be channeled and focusing. * Waviness may be specified, as well as side chamfers (on substrate). * * %D * Models a rectangular straight guide tube centered on the Z axis, with * gravitation handling. The entrance lies in the X-Y plane. * The guide can be channeled (nslit,d,nhslit parameters). The guide coating * specifications may be entered via different ways (global, or for * each wall m-value). * * Waviness (random) may be specified either globally or for each mirror type. * Side chamfers (due to substrate processing) may be specified the same way. * In order to model a realistic straight guide assembly, a long guide of * length 'l' may be splitted into 'nelements' between which chamfers/gaps are * positioned. * * The reflectivity may be specified either using an analytical mode (see * Component manual) or as a text file in free format, with 1st * column as q[Angs-1] and 2nd column as the reflectivity R in [0-1]. * For details on the geometry calculation see the description in the McStas * component manual. * * There is a special rotating mode in order to approximate a Fermi Chopper * behaviour, in the case the neutron trajectory is nearly linear inside the * chopper slits, i.e. the neutrons are fast w/r/ to the chopper speed. * Slits are straight, but may be super-mirror coated. In this case, the * component is NOT centered, but located at its entry window. It should then * be shifted by -l/2. * * Example: Guide_gravity_psd(w1=0.1, h1=0.1, w2=0.1, h2=0.1, l=12, * R0=0.99, Qc=0.0219, alpha=6.07, m=1.0, W=0.003) * * %VALIDATION * May 2005: extensive internal test, all problems solved * Validated by: K. Lieutenant * * %P * INPUT PARAMETERS: * * w1: (m) Width at the guide entry * h1: (m) Height at the guide entry * w2: (m) Width at the guide exit. If 0, use w1. * h2: (m) Height at the guide exit. If 0, use h1. * l: (m) length of guide * R0: (1) Low-angle reflectivity * Qc: (AA-1) Critical scattering vector * alpha: (AA) Slope of reflectivity * m: (1) m-value of material. Zero means completely absorbing. m=0.65 * glass/SiO2 Si Ni Ni58 supermirror Be Diamond * m= 0.65 0.47 1 1.18 2-6 1.01 1.12 * for glass/SiO2, m=1 for Ni, 1.2 for Ni58, m=2-6 for supermirror. * m=0.47 for Si * W: (AA-1) Width of supermirror cut-off * d: (m) Thickness of subdividing walls * nslit: (1) Number of vertical channels in the guide (>= 1) * (nslit-1 vertical dividing walls). * * Optional input parameters: (different ways for m-specifications) * * mleft: (1) m-value of material for left. vert. mirror * mright: (1) m-value of material for right. vert. mirror * mtop: (1) m-value of material for top. horz. mirror * mbottom: (1) m-value of material for bottom. horz. mirror * aleft: (1) alpha-value of left vert. mirror * aright: (1) alpha-value of right vert. mirror * atop: (1) alpha-value of top horz. mirror * abottom: (1) alpha-value of left horz. mirror * nhslit: (1) Number of horizontal channels in the guide (>= 1). * (nhslit-1 horizontal dividing walls). * this enables to have nslit*nhslit rectangular channels * G: (m/s2) Gravitation norm. 0 value disables G effects. * wavy: (deg) Global guide waviness * wavy_z: (deg) Partial waviness along propagation axis * wavy_tb: (deg) Partial waviness in transverse direction for top/bottom mirrors * wavy_lr: (deg) Partial waviness in transverse direction for left/right mirrors * chamfers:(m) Global chamfers specifications (in/out/mirror sides). * chamfers_z: (m) Input and output chamfers * chamfers_lr:(m) Chamfers on left/right mirror sides * chamfers_tb:(m) Chamfers on top/bottom mirror sides * nelements:(1) Number of sections in the guide (length l/nelements). * reflect: (str) Reflectivity file name. Format [q(Angs-1) R(0-1)] * nu: (Hz) Rotation frequency (round/s) for Fermi Chopper approximation * phase: (deg) Phase shift for the Fermi Chopper approximation * * OUTPUT PARAMETERS * * GVars: (1) internal variables. * GVars.N_reflection: (1) Array of the cumulated Number of reflections. * N_reflection[0] total nb of reflections, * N_reflection[1,2,3,4] l/r/t/b reflections, * N_reflection[5] total nb neutrons exiting guide, * N_reflection[6] total nb neutrons entering guide. * * %D * Example values: m=4 Qc=0.02 W=1/300 alpha=6.49 R0=1 * * %E *******************************************************************************/ DEFINE COMPONENT Guide_gravity_psd DEFINITION PARAMETERS (nxpsd, filenameT, filenameB, filenameL, filenameR) SETTING PARAMETERS (w1, h1, w2=0, h2=0, l, R0=0.995, Qc=0.0218, alpha=4.38, m=1.0, W=0.003, nslit=1, d=0.0005, mleft=-1, mright=-1, mtop=-1, mbottom=-1, nhslit=1, G=0, aleft=-1, aright=-1, atop=-1, abottom=-1, wavy=0, wavy_z=0, wavy_tb=0, wavy_lr=0, chamfers=0, chamfers_z=0, chamfers_lr=0, chamfers_tb=0, nelements=1, nu=0, phase=0, string reflect="NULL") OUTPUT PARAMETERS (GVars, pTable,PSDlin_Nxp, PSDlin_pxp, PSDlin_p2xp, PSDlin_Nyp, PSDlin_pyp, PSDlin_p2yp, PSDlin_Nxn, PSDlin_pxn, PSDlin_p2xn, PSDlin_Nyn, PSDlin_pyn, PSDlin_p2yn) /* Neutron parameters: (x,y,z,vx,vy,vz,t,sx,sy,sz,p) */ SHARE %{ %include "ref-lib" #ifndef Gravity_guide_Version #define Gravity_guide_Version "$Revision$" #ifndef PROP_GRAV_DT #error McStas : You need PROP_GRAV_DT (McStas >= 1.4.3) to run this component #endif /* * G: (m/s^2) Gravitation acceleration along y axis [-9.81] * Gx: (m/s^2) Gravitation acceleration along x axis [0] * Gy: (m/s^2) Gravitation acceleration along y axis [-9.81] * Gz: (m/s^2) Gravitation acceleration along z axis [0] * mh: (1) m-value of material for left/right vert. mirrors * mv: (1) m-value of material for top/bottom horz. mirrors * mx: (1) m-value of material for left/right vert. mirrors * my: (1) m-value of material for top/bottom horz. mirrors */ typedef struct Gravity_guide_Vars { double gx; double gy; double gz; double nx[6], ny[6], nz[6]; double wx[6], wy[6], wz[6]; double A[6], norm_n2[6], norm_n[6]; long N_reflection[7]; double w1c, h1c; double w2c, h2c; double M[5]; double Alpha[5]; double nzC[5], norm_n2xy[5], Axy[5]; double wav_lr, wav_tb, wav_z; double chamfer_z, chamfer_lr, chamfer_tb; char compcurname[256]; double fc_freq, fc_phase; double warnings; } Gravity_guide_Vars_type; void Gravity_guide_Init(Gravity_guide_Vars_type *aVars, MCNUM a_w1, MCNUM a_h1, MCNUM a_w2, MCNUM a_h2, MCNUM a_l, MCNUM a_R0, MCNUM a_Qc, MCNUM a_alpha, MCNUM a_m, MCNUM a_W, MCNUM a_nslit, MCNUM a_d, MCNUM a_Gx, MCNUM a_Gy, MCNUM a_Gz, MCNUM a_mleft, MCNUM a_mright, MCNUM a_mtop, MCNUM a_mbottom, MCNUM a_nhslit, MCNUM a_wavy_lr, MCNUM a_wavy_tb, MCNUM a_wavy_z, MCNUM a_wavy, MCNUM a_chamfers_z, MCNUM a_chamfers_lr, MCNUM a_chamfers_tb, MCNUM a_chamfers, MCNUM a_nu, MCNUM a_phase, MCNUM a_aleft, MCNUM a_aright, MCNUM a_atop, MCNUM a_abottom) { int i; for (i=0; i<7; aVars->N_reflection[i++] = 0); for (i=0; i<5; aVars->M[i++] = 0); for (i=0; i<5; aVars->Alpha[i++] = 0); aVars->gx = a_Gx; /* The gravitation vector in the current component axis system */ aVars->gy = a_Gy; aVars->gz = a_Gz; aVars->warnings=0; if (a_nslit <= 0 || a_nhslit <= 0) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: Fatal: no channel in this guide (nhslit or nslit=0).\n", aVars->compcurname); exit(-1); } if (a_d < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: Fatal: subdividing walls have negative thickness in this guide (d<0).\n", aVars->compcurname); exit(-1); } aVars->w1c = (a_w1 - (a_nslit-1) *a_d)/(double)a_nslit; aVars->w2c = (a_w2 - (a_nslit-1) *a_d)/(double)a_nslit; aVars->h1c = (a_h1 - (a_nhslit-1)*a_d)/(double)a_nhslit; aVars->h2c = (a_h2 - (a_nhslit-1)*a_d)/(double)a_nhslit; for (i=0; i <= 4; aVars->M[i++]=a_m); for (i=0; i <= 4; aVars->Alpha[i++]=a_alpha); if (a_mleft >= 0) aVars->M[1] =a_mleft ; if (a_mright >= 0) aVars->M[2] =a_mright ; if (a_mtop >= 0) aVars->M[3] =a_mtop ; if (a_mbottom >= 0) aVars->M[4] =a_mbottom; if (a_aleft >= 0) aVars->Alpha[1] =a_aleft ; if (a_aright >= 0) aVars->Alpha[2] =a_aright ; if (a_atop >= 0) aVars->Alpha[3] =a_atop ; if (a_abottom >= 0) aVars->Alpha[4] =a_abottom; /* n: normal vectors to surfaces */ aVars->nx[1] = a_l; aVars->ny[1] = 0; aVars->nz[1] = 0.5*(aVars->w2c-aVars->w1c); /* 1:+X left */ aVars->nx[2] = -a_l; aVars->ny[2] = 0; aVars->nz[2] = -aVars->nz[1]; /* 2:-X right */ aVars->nx[3] = 0; aVars->ny[3] = a_l; aVars->nz[3] = 0.5*(aVars->h2c-aVars->h1c); /* 3:+Y top */ aVars->nx[4] = 0; aVars->ny[4] = -a_l; aVars->nz[4] = -aVars->nz[3]; /* 4:-Y bottom */ aVars->nx[5] = 0; aVars->ny[5] = 0; aVars->nz[5] = a_l; /* 5:+Z exit */ aVars->nx[0] = 0; aVars->ny[0] = 0; aVars->nz[0] = -a_l; /* 0:Z0 input */ /* w: a point on these surfaces */ aVars->wx[1] = +(aVars->w1c)/2; aVars->wy[1] = 0; aVars->wz[1] = 0; /* 1:+X left */ aVars->wx[2] = -(aVars->w1c)/2; aVars->wy[2] = 0; aVars->wz[2] = 0; /* 2:-X right */ aVars->wx[3] = 0; aVars->wy[3] = +(aVars->h1c)/2; aVars->wz[3] = 0; /* 3:+Y top */ aVars->wx[4] = 0; aVars->wy[4] = -(aVars->h1c)/2; aVars->wz[4] = 0; /* 4:-Y bottom */ aVars->wx[5] = 0; aVars->wy[5] = 0; aVars->wz[5] = a_l; /* 5:+Z exit */ aVars->wx[0] = 0; aVars->wy[0] = 0; aVars->wz[0] = 0; /* 0:Z0 input */ for (i=0; i <= 5; i++) { aVars->A[i] = scalar_prod(aVars->nx[i], aVars->ny[i], aVars->nz[i], aVars->gx, aVars->gy, aVars->gz)/2; aVars->norm_n2[i] = aVars->nx[i]*aVars->nx[i] + aVars->ny[i]*aVars->ny[i] + aVars->nz[i]*aVars->nz[i]; if (aVars->norm_n2[i] <= 0) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: Fatal: normal vector norm %i is null/negative ! check guide dimensions.\n", aVars->compcurname, i); exit(-1); } /* should never occur */ else aVars->norm_n[i] = sqrt(aVars->norm_n2[i]); } /* partial computations for l/r/t/b sides, to save computing time */ for (i=1; i <= 4; i++) { /* stores nz that changes in case non box element (focus/defocus) */ aVars->nzC[i] = aVars->nz[i]; /* partial xy terms */ aVars->norm_n2xy[i]= aVars->nx[i]*aVars->nx[i] + aVars->ny[i]*aVars->ny[i]; aVars->Axy[i] = (aVars->nx[i]*aVars->gx + aVars->ny[i]*aVars->gy)/2; } /* handle waviness init */ if (a_wavy && (!a_wavy_tb && !a_wavy_lr && !a_wavy_z)) { aVars->wav_tb=aVars->wav_lr=aVars->wav_z=a_wavy; } else { aVars->wav_tb=a_wavy_tb; aVars->wav_lr=a_wavy_lr; aVars->wav_z=a_wavy_z; } aVars->wav_tb *= DEG2RAD/(sqrt(8*log(2))); /* Convert from deg FWHM to rad Gaussian sigma */ aVars->wav_lr *= DEG2RAD/(sqrt(8*log(2))); aVars->wav_z *= DEG2RAD/(sqrt(8*log(2))); /* handle chamfers init */ if (a_chamfers && (!a_chamfers_z && !a_chamfers_lr && !a_chamfers_tb)) { aVars->chamfer_z=aVars->chamfer_lr=aVars->chamfer_tb=a_chamfers; } else { aVars->chamfer_z=a_chamfers_z; aVars->chamfer_lr=a_chamfers_lr; aVars->chamfer_tb=a_chamfers_tb; } aVars->fc_freq = a_nu; aVars->fc_phase = a_phase; } int Gravity_guide_Trace(double *dt, Gravity_guide_Vars_type *aVars, double cx, double cy, double cz, double cvx, double cvy, double cvz, double cxnum, double cxk, double cynum, double cyk, double *cnx, double *cny,double *cnz) { double B, C; int ret=0; int side=0; double n1; double dt0, dt_min=0; int i; double loc_num, loc_nslit; int i_slope=3; /* look if there is a previous intersection with guide sides */ /* A = 0.5 n.g; B = n.v; C = n.(r-W); */ /* 5=+Z side: n=(0, 0, -l) ; W = (0, 0, l) (at z=l, guide exit)*/ B = aVars->nz[5]*cvz; C = aVars->nz[5]*(cz - aVars->wz[5]); ret = solve_2nd_order(&dt0, NULL, aVars->A[5], B, C); if (ret && dt0>1e-10) { dt_min = dt0; side=5; } loc_num = cynum; loc_nslit = cyk; for (i=4; i>0; i--) { if (i == 2) { i_slope=1; loc_num = cxnum; loc_nslit = cxk; } if (aVars->nzC[i_slope] != 0) { n1 = loc_nslit - 2*(loc_num); /* slope of l/r/u/d sides depends on the channel ! */ loc_num++; /* use partial computations to alter nz and A */ aVars->nz[i]= aVars->nzC[i]*n1; aVars->A[i] = aVars->Axy[i] + aVars->nz[i]*aVars->gz/2; } if (i < 3) { B = aVars->nx[i]*cvx + aVars->nz[i]*cvz; C = aVars->nx[i]*(cx-aVars->wx[i]) + aVars->nz[i]*cz; } else { B = aVars->ny[i]*cvy + aVars->nz[i]*cvz; C = aVars->ny[i]*(cy-aVars->wy[i]) + aVars->nz[i]*cz; } ret = solve_2nd_order(&dt0, NULL, aVars->A[i], B, C); if (ret && dt0>1e-10 && (dt0nzC[i] != 0) { aVars->norm_n2[i] = aVars->norm_n2xy[i] + aVars->nz[i]*aVars->nz[i]; aVars->norm_n[i] = sqrt(aVars->norm_n2[i]); } } } *dt = dt_min; /* handles waviness: rotate n vector */ if (side > 0 && side < 5 && (aVars->wav_z || aVars->wav_lr || aVars->wav_tb)) { double nt_x, nt_y, nt_z; /* transverse vector */ double nn_x, nn_y, nn_z; /* normal vector (tmp) */ double phi; /* normal vector n_z = [ 0,0,1], n_t = n x n_z; */ vec_prod(nt_x,nt_y,nt_z, aVars->nx[side],aVars->ny[side],aVars->nz[side], 0,0,1); /* rotate n with angle wavy_z around n_t -> nn */ if (aVars->wav_z) { phi = aVars->wav_z; rotate(nn_x,nn_y,nn_z, aVars->nx[side],aVars->ny[side],aVars->nz[side], aVars->wav_z*randnorm(), nt_x,nt_y,nt_z); } else { nn_x=aVars->nx[side]; nn_y=aVars->ny[side]; nn_z=aVars->nz[side]; } /* rotate n with angle wavy_{x|y} around n_z -> nt */ phi = (side <=2) ? aVars->wav_lr : aVars->wav_tb; if (phi) { rotate(nt_x,nt_y,nt_z, nn_x,nn_y,nn_z, phi*randnorm(), 0,0,1); } else { nt_x=nn_x; nt_y=nn_y; nt_z=nn_z; } *cnx=nt_x; *cny=nt_y; *cnz=nt_z; } else { *cnx=aVars->nx[side]; *cny=aVars->ny[side]; *cnz=aVars->nz[side]; } return (side); } %include "read_table-lib" #endif #ifndef Gravity_psdguide_Version #define Gravity_psdguide_Version "$Revision$" void update_detectors(int i, double p, double *detN, double *detp, double *detp2) { detN[i]++; detp[i] += p; detp2[i] += p*p; } void Gravity_guide_Absorb(int side, int nxpsd, double z, double l, double p, double *N1, double *p1, double *p1_2, double *N2, double *p2, double *p2_2, double *N3, double *p3, double *p3_2, double *N4, double *p4, double *p4_2) { int i; i = floor(nxpsd*(z)/(l)); /* Bin number */ /* i = (int)(nxpsd*z/l); */ if (i == nxpsd) { i -= 1; /* end of guide belongs to last bin */ printf("WARNING: hit i==nxpsd \n"); } else if( i > nxpsd || i<0 ) { printf("WARNING: wrong positioning in linear PSD. i= %i \n",i); printf("nxpsd = %i, z = %.3f, l = %.3f\n",nxpsd, z, l); printf("Ignore event\n"); return; } if (side == 1) update_detectors(i, p, N1, p1, p1_2); else if (side == 2) update_detectors(i, p, N2, p2, p2_2); else if (side == 3) update_detectors(i, p, N3, p3, p3_2); else if (side == 4) update_detectors(i, p, N4, p4, p4_2); } #endif %} DECLARE %{ Gravity_guide_Vars_type GVars; /* added four PSD monitors */ double PSDlin_Nxp[nxpsd]; double PSDlin_pxp[nxpsd]; double PSDlin_p2xp[nxpsd]; double PSDlin_Nxn[nxpsd]; double PSDlin_pxn[nxpsd]; double PSDlin_p2xn[nxpsd]; double PSDlin_Nyp[nxpsd]; double PSDlin_pyp[nxpsd]; double PSDlin_p2yp[nxpsd]; double PSDlin_Nyn[nxpsd]; double PSDlin_pyn[nxpsd]; double PSDlin_p2yn[nxpsd]; double currentPOS; t_Table pTable; %} INITIALIZE %{ double Gx=0, Gy=-GRAVITY, Gz=0; Coords mcLocG; int i; if (reflect && strlen(reflect) && strcmp(reflect,"NULL") && strcmp(reflect,"0")) { if (Table_Read(&pTable, reflect, 1) <= 0) /* read 1st block data from file into pTable */ exit(fprintf(stderr,"Guide_gravity: %s: can not read file %s\n", NAME_CURRENT_COMP, reflect)); } else { if (W < 0 || R0 < 0 || Qc < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Guide_gravity: %s: W R0 Qc must be >0.\n", NAME_CURRENT_COMP); exit(-1); } } if (nslit <= 0 || nhslit <= 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Guide_gravity: %s: nslit nhslit must be >0.\n", NAME_CURRENT_COMP); exit(-1); } if (!w1 || !h1) { fprintf(stderr,"Guide_gravity: %s: input window is closed (w1=h1=0).\n", NAME_CURRENT_COMP); exit(-1); } if (d*nslit > w1) exit(fprintf(stderr, "Guide_gravity: %s: absorbing walls fill input window. No space left for transmission (d*nslit > w1).\n", NAME_CURRENT_COMP)); if (!w2) w2=w1; if (!h2) h2=h1; if (mcgravitation) G=-GRAVITY; mcLocG = rot_apply(ROT_A_CURRENT_COMP, coords_set(0,G,0)); coords_get(mcLocG, &Gx, &Gy, &Gz); strcpy(GVars.compcurname, NAME_CURRENT_COMP); if (l > 0 && nelements > 0) { Gravity_guide_Init(&GVars, w1, h1, w2, h2, l, R0, Qc, alpha, m, W, nslit, d, Gx, Gy, Gz, mleft, mright, mtop, mbottom, nhslit, wavy_lr, wavy_tb, wavy_z, wavy, chamfers_z, chamfers_lr, chamfers_tb, chamfers,nu,phase,aleft,aright,atop,abottom); if (!G) for (i=0; i<5; GVars.A[i++] = 0); if (GVars.fc_freq != 0 || GVars.fc_phase != 0) { if (w1 != w2 || h1 != h2) exit(fprintf(stderr,"Guide_gravity: %s: rotating slit pack must be straight (w1=w2 and h1=h2).\n", NAME_CURRENT_COMP)); printf("Guide_gravity: %s: Fermi Chopper mode: frequency=%g [Hz] phase=%g [deg]\n", NAME_CURRENT_COMP, GVars.fc_freq, GVars.fc_phase); } } else printf("Guide_gravity: %s: unactivated (l=0 or nelements=0)\n", NAME_CURRENT_COMP); /* added lines 417 - 432 to init PSD's */ /* int i; */ for (i=0; i 0 && nelements > 0) { double B, C, dt; int ret, bounces = 0, i=0; double this_width, this_height; double angle=0; double Rtemp; if (GVars.fc_freq != 0 || GVars.fc_phase != 0) { /* rotate neutron w/r to guide element */ /* approximation of rotating straight Fermi Chopper */ Coords X = coords_set(x,y,z-l/2); /* current coordinates of neutron in centered static frame */ Rotation R; double dt=(-z+l/2)/vz; /* time shift to each center of slit package */ angle=fmod(360*GVars.fc_freq*(t+dt)+GVars.fc_phase, 360); /* in deg */ /* modify angle so that Z0 guide side is always in front of incoming neutron */ if (angle > 90 && angle < 270) { angle -= 180; } angle *= DEG2RAD; rot_set_rotation(R, 0, -angle, 0); /* will rotate neutron instead of comp: negative side */ /* apply rotation to centered coordinates */ Coords RX = rot_apply(R, X); coords_get(RX, &x, &y, &z); z = z+l/2; /* rotate speed */ X = coords_set(vx,vy,vz); RX = rot_apply(R, X); coords_get(RX, &vx, &vy, &vz); } for (i=0; i<7; GVars.N_reflection[i++] = 0); /* propagate to box input (with gravitation) in comp local coords */ /* A = 0.5 n.g; B = n.v; C = n.(r-W); */ /* 0=Z0 side: n=(0, 0, -l) ; W = (0, 0, 0) (at z=0, guide input)*/ B = -l*vz; C = -l*z; ret = solve_2nd_order(&dt, NULL, GVars.A[0], B, C); if (ret==0) ABSORB; if (dt>0.0) PROP_GRAV_DT(dt, GVars.gx,, GVars.gz); else if (angle) ABSORB; GVars.N_reflection[6]++; this_width = w1; this_height = h1; /* check if we are in the box input, else absorb */ if (fabs(x) > this_width/2 || fabs(y) > this_height/2) ABSORB; else { double w_edge, w_adj; /* Channel displacement on X */ double h_edge, h_adj; /* Channel displacement on Y */ double w_chnum,h_chnum; /* channel indexes */ SCATTER; /* X: Shift origin to center of channel hit (absorb if hit dividing walls) */ x += w1/2.0; w_chnum = floor(x/(GVars.w1c+d)); /* 0= right side, nslit+1=left side */ w_edge = w_chnum*(GVars.w1c+d); if(x - w_edge > GVars.w1c) { x -= w1/2.0; /* Re-adjust origin */ ABSORB; } w_adj = w_edge + (GVars.w1c)/2.0; x -= w_adj; w_adj -= w1/2.0; /* Y: Shift origin to center of channel hit (absorb if hit dividing walls) */ y += h1/2.0; h_chnum = floor(y/(GVars.h1c+d)); /* 0= lower side, nslit+1=upper side */ h_edge = h_chnum*(GVars.h1c+d); if(y - h_edge > GVars.h1c) { y -= h1/2.0; /* Re-adjust origin */ ABSORB; } h_adj = h_edge + (GVars.h1c)/2.0; y -= h_adj; h_adj -= h1/2.0; /* neutron is now in the input window of the guide */ /* do loops on reflections in the box */ for(;;) { /* get intersections for all box sides */ double q, nx,ny,nz; double this_length; int side=0; bounces++; /* now look for intersection with guide sides and exit */ side = Gravity_guide_Trace(&dt, &GVars, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, w_chnum, nslit, h_chnum, nhslit, &nx, &ny, &nz); /* only positive dt are valid */ /* exit reflection loops if no intersection (neutron is after box) */ if (side == 0 || dt <= 0) { if (GVars.warnings < 100) fprintf(stderr,"%s: warning: neutron has entered guide, but can not exit !\n", GVars.compcurname); GVars.warnings++; x += w_adj; y += h_adj; ABSORB; } /* should never occur */ /* propagate to dt */ PROP_GRAV_DT(dt, GVars.gx,, GVars.gz); /* do reflection on speed for l/r/u/d sides */ if (side == 5) /* neutron reaches end of guide: end loop and exit comp */ { GVars.N_reflection[side]++; x += w_adj; y += h_adj; SCATTER; x -= w_adj; y -= h_adj; break; } /* else reflection on a guide wall */ if(GVars.M[side] == 0 || Qc == 0 || R0 == 0) /* walls are absorbing */ { x += w_adj; y += h_adj; Gravity_guide_Absorb(side, nxpsd, z, l,p, PSDlin_Nxp, PSDlin_pxp, PSDlin_p2xp, PSDlin_Nxn, PSDlin_pxn, PSDlin_p2xn, PSDlin_Nyp, PSDlin_pyp, PSDlin_p2yp, PSDlin_Nyn, PSDlin_pyn, PSDlin_p2yn); ABSORB; } /* handle chamfers */ this_width = w1+(w2-w1)*z/l; this_height= h1+(h2-h1)*z/l; this_length= fmod(z, l/nelements); /* absorb on input/output of element parts */ if (GVars.chamfer_z && (this_lengthl/nelements-GVars.chamfer_z)) { x += w_adj; y += h_adj; ABSORB; } /* absorb on l/r/t/b sides */ if (GVars.chamfer_lr && (side==1 || side==2) && (fabs(y+h_adj)>this_height/2-GVars.chamfer_lr)) { x += w_adj; y += h_adj; ABSORB; } if (GVars.chamfer_tb && (side==3 || side==4) && (fabs(x+w_adj)>this_width/2- GVars.chamfer_tb)) { x += w_adj; y += h_adj; ABSORB; } /* change/mirror velocity: h_f = v - n.2*n.v/|n|^2 */ GVars.N_reflection[side]++; /* GVars.norm_n2 > 0 was checked at INIT */ /* compute n.v using current values */ B = scalar_prod(vx,vy,vz,nx,ny,nz); dt = 2*B/GVars.norm_n2[side]; /* 2*n.v/|n|^2 */ vx -= nx*dt; vy -= ny*dt; vz -= nz*dt; /* compute q and modify neutron weight */ /* scattering q=|n_i-n_f| = V2Q*|vf - v| = V2Q*2*n.v/|n| */ q = 2*V2Q*fabs(B)/GVars.norm_n[side]; if (reflect && strlen(reflect) && strcmp(reflect,"NULL") && strcmp(reflect,"0")) TableReflecFunc(q, &pTable, &B); else { double par[] = {R0, Qc, GVars.Alpha[side], GVars.M[side], W}; StdReflecFunc(q, par, &B); } if (B <= 0) { x += w_adj; y += h_adj; Gravity_guide_Absorb(side, nxpsd, z, l, p, PSDlin_Nxp, PSDlin_pxp, PSDlin_p2xp, PSDlin_Nxn, PSDlin_pxn, PSDlin_p2xn, PSDlin_Nyp, PSDlin_pyp, PSDlin_p2yp, PSDlin_Nyn, PSDlin_pyn, PSDlin_p2yn); ABSORB; } else { Rtemp = rand01(); /* count for substrate psd with probability 1-B */ if(Rtemp > B) { Gravity_guide_Absorb(side, nxpsd, z, l, p, PSDlin_Nxp, PSDlin_pxp, PSDlin_p2xp, PSDlin_Nxn, PSDlin_pxn, PSDlin_p2xn, PSDlin_Nyp, PSDlin_pyp, PSDlin_p2yp, PSDlin_Nyn, PSDlin_pyn, PSDlin_p2yn); } p *= B; } x += w_adj; y += h_adj; SCATTER; x -= w_adj; y -= h_adj; GVars.N_reflection[0]++; /* go to the next reflection */ if (bounces > 1000) { /* psd block 3 */ ABSORB; } } /* end for */ x += w_adj; y += h_adj; /* Re-adjust origin after SCATTER */ } if (GVars.fc_freq != 0 || GVars.fc_phase != 0) { /* rotate back neutron w/r to guide element */ /* approximation of rotating straight Fermi Chopper */ Coords X = coords_set(x,y,z-l/2); /* current coordinates of neutron in centered static frame */ Rotation R; rot_set_rotation(R, 0, angle, 0); /* will rotate back neutron: positive side */ /* apply rotation to centered coordinates */ Coords RX = rot_apply(R, X); coords_get(RX, &x, &y, &z); z = z+l/2; /* rotate speed */ X = coords_set(vx,vy,vz); RX = rot_apply(R, X); coords_get(RX, &vx, &vy, &vz); } } /* if l */ %} SAVE %{ currentPOS = POS_A_CURRENT_COMP.z; DETECTOR_OUT_1D( "Linear PSD monitor X+", "Position [m]", "Intensity", "z", currentPOS,(currentPOS+l), nxpsd, &PSDlin_Nxp[0],&PSDlin_pxp[0],&PSDlin_p2xp[0], filenameL); DETECTOR_OUT_1D( "Linear PSD monitor X-", "Position [m]", "Intensity", "z", currentPOS,(currentPOS+l), nxpsd, &PSDlin_Nxn[0],&PSDlin_pxn[0],&PSDlin_p2xn[0], filenameR); DETECTOR_OUT_1D( "Linear PSD monitor Y+", "Position [m]", "Intensity", "z", currentPOS,(currentPOS+l), nxpsd, &PSDlin_Nyp[0],&PSDlin_pyp[0],&PSDlin_p2yp[0], filenameT); DETECTOR_OUT_1D( "Linear PSD monitor Y-", "Position [m]", "Intensity", "z", currentPOS,(currentPOS+l), nxpsd, &PSDlin_Nyn[0],&PSDlin_pyn[0],&PSDlin_p2yn[0], filenameB); %} FINALLY %{ if (GVars.warnings > 100) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: warning: neutron has entered guide, but can not exit !\n", GVars.compcurname); fprintf(stderr,"%s: warning: This message has been repeated %g times\n", GVars.compcurname, GVars.warnings); } %} MCDISPLAY %{ if (l > 0 && nelements > 0) { int i,j,n; double x1,x2,x3,x4; double y1,y2,y3,y4; double nel = (nelements > 11 ? 11 : nelements); magnify("xy"); for (n=0; n References: <> Message-ID: <> Dear Peter, Thank you for the contribution - I am sure it will be useful! I have now pushed it to the McStas GitHub, see Best, Peter Peter Kj?r Willendrup Senior Research Engineer, Special Advisor DTU Physics Technical University of Denmark [cid:image002.gif at 01CCCAF1.5E6331F0] Department of Physics Fysikvej Building 307 DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby Direct +45 2125 4612 Mobil +45 2125 4612 Fax +45 4593 2399 pkwi at On 09 Oct 2015, at 09:01 , Peter Link > wrote: Hi all, Andreas Ostermann and me here at MLZ (FRM II) adapted the Guide_gravity component to see the neutron loss into the substrate of a guide. Thinking this might be useful also for some of you, I attach the component file to this mail. Usage of course with no warranty ;) Best regards, Peter -- ********************************** Dr. Peter Link Head of Neutron Optics Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ) Technische Universit?t M?nchen Lichtenbergstr. 1 85747 Garching phone: +49 (0)89 289 14622 fax: +49 (0) 89 289 11694 _______________________________________________ mcstas-users mailing list mcstas-users at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image001.gif Type: image/gif Size: 58 bytes Desc: image001.gif URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image002.gif Type: image/gif Size: 1055 bytes Desc: image002.gif URL: From Peter.Link at Tue Oct 13 13:03:52 2015 From: Peter.Link at (Peter Link) Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2015 13:03:52 +0200 Subject: [mcstas-users] Using Guide _anyshape Message-ID: <> Hi, I tried to use the Guide_anyshape component, and to start with I created a simple rectangular shaped guide element (i.e. 8 vertices and 4 faces, see below). The execution crashed with a Mem Error. The shape looks correct, if look at with an external off viewer... Does anyone out there has already used this component, to give me hint what's wrong... Best regards, Peter Simulation output: Loading geometry file (OFF/PLY): nl2/ Warning: Read_Table :nl2/ at 154 catenated Data has 22 values that sh ould be 5 x 5 Number of polygons: 4 Number of vertices: 8 # McStas 2.2a - May. 29, 2015: [pid 6196] Signal 11 detected SIGSEGV (Mem Error) # Simulation: NL2b (E:/41-mcstas-data/sr1/nl2b.instr) # Breakpoint: NL2b_11_1 (Init) 0.00 % ( 0.0/ 100000.0) # Date: Tue Oct 13 13:00:09 2015 # Started: Tue Oct 13 13:00:09 2015 # Last I/O Error: No error # McStas 2.2a - May. 29, 2015: Simulation stop (abort). Here the component description and off file used: COMPONENT NL2b_11_1 = Guide_anyshape ( geometry= "nl2/", R0=0.99,Qc=0.02174,alpha=4.25,m=2.0,W=0.0033) AT (0,0,2.001) RELATIVE PREVIOUS ROTATED (0,0,0) RELATIVE PREVIOUS "" OFF 8 4 0 -0.006 -0.085 0 -0.006 0.085 0 0.006 0.085 0 0.006 -0.085 0 -0.006 -0.085 0.500 -0.006 0.085 0.500 0.006 0.085 0.500 0.006 -0.085 0.500 4 0 1 5 4 4 1 5 6 2 4 2 6 7 3 4 0 4 7 3 -- ********************************** Dr. Peter Link Head of Neutron Optics Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ) Technische Universit?t M?nchen Lichtenbergstr. 1 85747 Garching phone: +49 (0)89 289 14622 fax: +49 (0) 89 289 11694 From postmaster at Tue Oct 20 10:09:15 2015 From: postmaster at (The Post Office) Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2015 15:09:15 +0700 Subject: [mcstas-users] test Message-ID: Your message was undeliverable due to the following reason: Your message could not be delivered because the destination server was not reachable within the allowed queue period. The amount of time a message is queued before it is returned depends on local configura- tion parameters. Most likely there is a network problem that prevented delivery, but it is also possible that the computer is turned off, or does not have a mail system running right now. Your message could not be delivered within 8 days: Host is not responding. The following recipients could not receive this message: Please reply to postmaster at if you feel this message to be in error. -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: file.exe Type: application/octet-stream Size: 28864 bytes Desc: not available URL: From erkn at Tue Dec 1 21:31:47 2015 From: erkn at (Erik B Knudsen) Date: Tue, 1 Dec 2015 21:31:47 +0100 Subject: [mcstas-users] Announcement: McStas 2.2a in the FreeBSD ports tree. Message-ID: <> Dear all, I am pleased to report that McStas 2.2a can now be found in (and consequently built from) the FreeBSD ports tree. Reflecting the modular package structure of the debian and rpm packages the ports available are: 1. mcstas, which contains the McStas kernel 2. mcstas-comps, which contains the component library 3. p5-Mcstas-Tools, which contains the perl tools (GUI,mcplot etc.) The newer, python based tools will follow. Please report any bugs etc. to the port maintainer ( me :-) ). happy simulating Erik -- Erik Bergb?ck Knudsen, Research Engineer | DTU | morituri NEXMAP, DTU Fysik, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark |<>-<>| te phone: (+45) 2132 6655 |<>-<>| salutant From pkwi at Fri Dec 18 22:23:23 2015 From: pkwi at (=?utf-8?B?UGV0ZXIgS2rDpnIgV2lsbGVuZHJ1cA==?=) Date: Fri, 18 Dec 2015 21:23:23 +0000 Subject: [mcstas-users] Seasons greetings + a new ESS moderator comp released Message-ID: <> Dear McStas users, We had hoped to have McStas 2.3 ready for release this year, but time turned out too short and we simply did not make it. Hopes are that the next release will be ready during January 2016 - very few things are missing. In the meantime we do have a small christmas present for the ESS-oriented McStas users ready: The ESS butterfly moderator is finally available in the download share: It includes support for both the 3cm and 6cm height butterfly, and the release also comes with a small guidance document in PDF format: All the best, Merry X-mas and a Happy New Year from Peter W and the McStas team Peter Kj?r Willendrup Senior Research Engineer, Special Advisor DTU Physics Technical University of Denmark [cid:image002.gif at 01CCCAF1.5E6331F0] Department of Physics Fysikvej Building 307 DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby Direct +45 2125 4612 Mobil +45 2125 4612 Fax +45 4593 2399 pkwi at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... 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