[mcstas-users] McStas v. 2.4 is coming...

Peter Kjær Willendrup pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk
Fri Dec 16 10:10:46 CET 2016

Dear all,

This is just to let you have a sneak preview of what we expect to include in McStas 2.4, which we are planning to release in January 2017:

* Tools:
* From 2.4 we will default to use our new set of Python tools, the perl ones will stay around as a backup solution
* Our Python tools are now Python 3 compliant
* A mcgui editor in with a rich syntax highlighting
* A mcrun utility script, with new features wrt. the legacy perl solution:
- The feature --autoplot spawns your selected plotter on sim completion
- The feature --multi (or -M) allows grid-scanning, i.e. multidimensional scans
- The --list (or -L) allows to make 1D-scans that are not equidistant or even filename strings etc…
* A newly developed mcplot-pyqtgraph with new features wrt. the legacy mcplot solution:
- Easy mouse-based zooming on individual monitor plots
- Colormaps can be changed for 2D-plots
- Select a single plot by clicking, get back to overview by right-clicking
- On scans ctrl-click (meta-click on OS X) to see monitor as function of scanned variable
- On scans press ‘x’ to receive all scan points as individual plot windows
* A newly developed mcdisplay-webgl
- Fully 3D and interactive, uses your HTML5-capable browser with javascript controls
- Pause or resume visualisation of the neutron rays in the instrument
- Allows to keep already rendered rays to illustrate the full beam
- Visualises rays with color, scaled with particle velocity (ideal for illustrating e.g. monochromatisation)
(* If time allows we will also include a simple mcdisplay-pyqtgraph ala the legacy mcdisplay tool *)

* Components and instruments:
* A new set of components referred to as “Union” components, contribution by Mads Bertelsen Uni Copenhagen.
- Allows very rich simulation of samples and sample environment
- Several instrument files included to illustrate the capabilities and use
- See http://media.mcstas.org/ESS_DMSC_20161117/DMSC_talk_MBertelsen_McStas_Union.mp4
* New PSD_monitor_TOF that outputs a TOF signal pr. PSD pixel (single files).  Used in templateNMX_TOF.instr
* MCPL_input allows to repeat input files an integer number of times
- possible to modify particle energy, position and direction on repetition
* MCPL_output has an option to merge generated output files in case of MPI
* ESS_butterfly_MCPL.instr implementing the use of MCPL files in the ESS butterfly geometry
* PowderN can “flip” the d_phi focusing to “zoom” on a range of angles.
* Various bugfixes and improvements across the example instruments and component library

* Platforms:
* Our macOS application bundle fully transportable, i.e. can be moved away from the default /Applications/ location
* On Windows 10 64bit and newer, the Windows Subsystem for Linux allows a much improved McStas experience

As always, let us know if you have nice things in your desktop drawers that you would like to contribute! :-)

All the best and seasons greetings,

Peter Willendrup

Peter Kjær Willendrup
Senior Research Engineer, Special Advisor

DTU Physics

Technical University of Denmark

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Department of Physics

Building 307

DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby

Direct +45 2125 4612

Mobil +45 2125 4612
Fax +45 4593 2399

pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk<mailto:pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk>

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