[mcstas-users] Effective region of the source

Federico M. Bertalot federicobertalot at cnea.gov.ar
Tue Mar 21 14:37:31 CET 2017

Kim, Jörg and Emmanuel,

I will try with PreMonitor_nD.

Thank you very much for your help.

On 20/03/17 11:15, "Voigt, Jörg" wrote:
> Hi,
> You may use also a pre_monitor_ND component just downstream the sample, which you use then in combination with a Monitor_ND at the sample position.
> Hope, that this is useful.
> Cheers
> Jörg
>> On 20 Mar 2017, at 15:11, Federico M. Bertalot <federicobertalot at cnea.gov.ar> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> i am trying to know the effective region of the source. In other words, each time a neutron reachs the detector i want to know, which region of the source it came from.
>> I think that one possible solution is to create a source component that stores the starting position of each neutron in a new variable. Then, the detector reads this new variable. Maybe this can be done using store_neutron() also, but i dont know how to read the trace-history.
>> if you know a better solution, please tell me.
>> Thank you very much.
>> Federico.
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