[mcstas-users] McStas question
Peter Kjær Willendrup
pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk
Thu May 25 11:14:44 CEST 2017
Hi both,
McStas 2.4 released very recently has an mpicc.bat set up to work with the most recent Microsoft MPI (which MPICH refer to these days). I provide binaries for that within the "extras" folder located together with the windows installer: http://download.mcstas.org/mcstas-2.4/windows
The last time I tried openmpi with McStas on windows I had the issue that it was built with Microsoft Visual C and ended up not being binary-compatible with our default gcc compiler.
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From: farhi <farhi at ill.fr<mailto:farhi at ill.fr>>
Sent: torsdag, maj 25, 2017 10:39 AM
Subject: Re: [mcstas-users] McStas question
To: <stefano.bellissima at fi.isc.cnr.it<mailto:stefano.bellissima at fi.isc.cnr.it>>, McStas <mcstas-users at mcstas.org<mailto:mcstas-users at mcstas.org>>
Hello Stefano,
it looks like the mpicc.bat is tuned to use MPICH and not OpenMPI.
Try to NOT to use 'mpicc.bat', that is put it somewhere not in the path.
Then change 'mpicc.bat' into 'mpicc' in the McStas Preferences. I think there is an mpicc command installed by OpenMPI.
If this does not work, try changing the MPICH into the location to OpenMPI lib and include paths in the mpicc.bat script.
Le 2017-05-25 09:57, stefano.bellissima at fi.isc.cnr.it<mailto:stefano.bellissima at fi.isc.cnr.it> a écrit :
Dear Emmanuel,thanks for your help with this McStas question.Actually, I have installed OpenMPI as you said.In the /Preferences panel I see the following Compilation options:- Compiler to use: gcc- MPI Compiler to use: mpicc.bat- MPIrun command to use: mpiexec.exeI tried to run a file called prova_MPI.instr in this way:"mcrun -c --mpi=4 prova_MPI.instr"following an example written at pag 59 of the McStas manual,but it didn't work.Honestly, I don't know how to fix that.I have attached a screenshot of my desktop so that you can see the type of error I have while compiling.Can you help me?Many thanksBest regardsStefano BellissimaEmmanuel FARHI <farhi at ill.fr<mailto:farhi at ill.fr>> ha scritto:
Hello Stefano, The simplest solution to run McStas with MPI under Windows is to install OpenMPI in addition to the C compiler (gcc) that is shipped with the McStas installer. Get it at e.g. <https://www.open-mpi.org/software/ompi/v1.6/downloads/OpenMPI_v1.6-1_win64.exe>[1]. Then McStas should detect it when starting. Check the /Preferences/Configuration/ dialogue from the McStas main interface (File menu), that expects 'mpicc' and 'mpirun' to be available in the system PATH. Of course, an other solution is to switch to e.g. a Linux system. Tell me if that worked for you. Ciao, Emmanuel. On 05/17/2017 05:21 PM, stefano.bellissima at fi.isc.cnr.it<mailto:stefano.bellissima at fi.isc.cnr.it>wrote:
Dear Emmanuel, I'm Stefano Bellissima. Probably Nando already told you that I'm working with McStas for the VESPA project here at the Cnr in Florence. Actually I'm not alone, because also Leonardo del Rosso (an ex PhD student of Lorenzo Ulivi) work with me. I'm sorry to bother you, but I have a (very simple) question to ask you about McStas. We would like to perform multi-core simulations in our Desktop PC which has Windows 7 operating system. This machine has 8 cores. When I perform a simulation run, only one core works, while I would like to have more than one core working. I know that this is possible with McStas, but actually I don't know how. Could you help us with that? thanks best regards Stefano Bellissima and Leonardo del Rosso
-- Emmanuel FARHI,www.ill.eu/computing/people/emmanuel-farhi[2]<http://www.ill.eu/computing/people/emmanuel-farhi[2]> \|/ ____ \|/ CS-Group ILL4/221, Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) Grenoble ~@-/ oO \-@~ 71 av des Martyrs,CS 20156,38042 Grenoble Cedex 9,France /_( \__/ )_\ Work :Tel (33/0) 4 76 20 71 35. Fax (33/0) 4 76 48 39 06 \__U_/ Link: ----- [1] https://www.open-mpi.org/software/ompi/v1.6/downloads/OpenMPI_v1.6-1_win64.exe [2] http://www.ill.eu/computing/people/emmanuel-farhi
FARHI Emmanuel <farhi at ill.fr<mailto:farhi at ill.fr>>Groupe DS/CS, ILL4/156, Tel (33) 4 76 20 71 35ILL, Grenoble
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