[mcstas-users] Action of a WHEN condition

"Voigt, Jörg" j.voigt at fz-juelich.de
Tue Sep 5 14:06:32 CEST 2017

Dear McStas users,

I want to model a bispectral switch, where a bender is used to reflect the cold neutrons into the neutron guide, while this bender can be removed to open the way for the thermal neutrons from the ESS butterfly moderator. As the bender deflects the beam, I need to rotate the respective component by the deflection angle, so I have a ROTATED statement. What happens to the coordinate system of the subsequent components, if I use a WHEN statement to ignore the bender in case I want to use neutrons only from the thermal moderator? Will it be rotated?

Best regards

Dr. Jörg Voigt
  Jülich Centre for Neutron Science JCNS und Peter Grünberg Institut PGI
  JCNS-2, PGI-4: Streumethoden           
  Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH    _/                                      _/_/   
  52425 JÜLICH                    _/    _/_/_/  _/_/_/      _/_/_/      _/    _/  
  DEUTSCHLAND                    _/  _/        _/    _/  _/_/              _/     
  Tel. +49 2461 61 6020   _/    _/  _/        _/    _/      _/_/        _/        
  Fax  +49 2461 61 2610    _/_/      _/_/_/  _/    _/  _/_/_/        _/_/_/_/      
j.voigt at fz-juelich.de

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