[mcstas-users] A new hand looking for help

韩泽华 hanzh at ihep.ac.cn
Tue Dec 12 01:14:01 CET 2017

Dear all

    I'm a new hand on McStas.I hope for some help from you.

    Recently I've been trying to make a series of simulations of a Total Scattering Diffractometer, which is almost like NIMROD. Now I'm facing two problems.

    First, I want to make a simulation with a D2O sample and then detect Q. I've got "D2O-coh.sqw" and "D2O-inc.sqw", but I couldn't get a correct result. Could you offer me some "*.instr" files or codes containing a D2O sample or H2O sample together with a Q detector?

    Second, I want to get a result of the Q-resolution of the Diffratometer with a Vanadium sample. Can I use a Detector Component to get the Q-resolution directly, even though at a certain angle? If it can be, please offer me some "*.instr" files or codes as well. If it can't be, then what should I do to get enough data to calculate the Q-resolution afterwards?

    Finally I'd like to remind that all my simulations are based on a Total Scattering Diffractometer.

    I'd appreciate all your help and suggestions.


    PS: I may have sent it yesterday, but with no reply, I think I need to send it once again. May you forgive my disturbance.

    A new user

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