[mcstas-users] --grid option for mcrun

Alex Szakál szakal.alex at wigner.mta.hu
Tue May 15 16:17:02 CEST 2018

Dear All,

I tried to install McStas on two machines and I ran into a problem I
couldn't solve. The first machine is my desktop machine and the second
is a server machine shared with my colleagues which serves as a
computing node. I followed the instructions in the manual (
) to set up the "grid" configuration using ssh, because we use
different operating systems with my colleagues, but we want to use the
same computing node. The openssh-server on the computing node was set
up and rsa keys were added for passwordless authentication. Now, I am
able to log in the computing
node without typing the password. A "hosts" file containing the
hostname of the computing node was created in $HOME/.mcstas/

#I tried the following command to simulate the 'basic.instr' insrument
on the grid:
mcrun --grid=4 basic.instr
#And I got the following error message:
user config does not exist: /home/szakal/.mcstas/2.4.1/mccode_config.json
Usage: mcrun.py [-cpnN] Instr [-sndftgahi] params={val|min,max|min,guess,max}...

mcrun.py: error: no such option: --grid

It seems that mcrun does not recognize the --grid option. Please help me
to solve this problem. McStas was installed on my Ubuntu 16.04 system
from the .deb packages following the descriptions found on the McStas

Best regards,
Alex Szakal
                                Ph.D. candidate

    Neutron Spectroscopy Department
    WIGNER Research Centre for Physics

    H-1121 Budapest Konkoly Thege M. str. 29-33.
    Phone: 0036-1-392-2222 ext. 1682
    Fax:   0036-1-392-2501

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