[mcstas-users] Reminder: MDANSE 2018 school - simulation samples and spectrometers - deadline May 31st

Emmanuel FARHI farhi at ill.fr
Thu May 24 16:34:31 CEST 2018

MDANSE 2018 in Tenerife - This is a REMINDER - Deadline May 31st
One week left to register - no need to pay now.

Dear colleague,

The ILL Computing for Science Group  and ISIS Molecular Spectroscopy 
Group cordially invite you to MDANSE 2018 (Molecular Dynamics and 
Lattice Dynamics to Analyse Neutron Scattering Experiments) school at 
Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain from the 24th  to the 28th  of 
September 2018. Following the success of MDANSE 2012 and 2014 at ILL, 
France, and MDANSE 2016 
(https://www.isis.stfc.ac.uk/Pages/MDANSE-2016.aspx) at ISIS, UK, this 
is the next MDANSE school in this series. This school also relates to 
previous neutron scattering instrument simulation McStas 
schools/workshops in 2006-2016 (http://www.essworkshop.org/ ).

Scope : Simulation of Inelastic Neutron Scattering using McStas and 
material dynamics models

Where:  Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain from the 24th  to the 28th 
of September 2018

MDANSE 2018 school intends to train neutron scientists to better design 
new instruments, but also to make better use of the allocated beam time. 
It has specialized scope (inelastic scattering, material modelling) and 
covers many existing or planned neutron scattering instruments. The 
school will not focus on the data analysis, but rather on all aspects of 
simulation, from materials to instruments, and present an integrated 

The school is focused on the calculation of materials dynamics, e.g. 
dynamic structure factor S(q,w), using both DFT and classical MD codes. 
This calculation will then be forwarded to full virtual experiments of 
neutron scattering spectrometers in order to produce realistic simulated 
data, such as inelastic and quasi-elastic neutron scattering intensity. 
A set of representative spectrometer descriptions will be proposed to 
attendees, together with the so-called scattering kernels which model 
the neutron-matter interaction.

The expected attendees will be either scientists with a strong 
computational background and collaborating with experimental groups (in 
particular neutron scattering users) or experimentalists with some 
previous knowledge of electronic-structure calculations and/or 
force-field based simulations. Both will learn how to use existing 
modern tools to compute the measured signal (including instrument 
effects) starting from an initial structure, down to the neutron 
scattering intensity, helping to bridge the gap between experiment and 

The school is designed for providing practical training, so the number 
of participants is limited to 25. In order to select candidates, we ask 
applicants to state briefly their scientific fields of interest, why 
they would like to attend the school and previous experience with 
computer simulations.

A single fee of 200 Euro is requested. (This fee includes a full 
accommodation, teaching materials, smiles and sun).

Registration is now open and will be closed on 31st May. More details 
and link to register will be found here 

We look forward to seeing you in September!

Organisers: <mdanse2018 at ill.fr>
Emmanuel Farhi, ILL
Miguel Gonzalez, ILL
Sanghamitra Mukhopadhyay, ISIS
Felix Fernandez-Alonso, ISIS
Peter Willendrup, DTU
Jonathan Taylor, ESS​
Thomas Holm-Rod, ESS

This school is supported by SINE2020 (Grant 654000-SINE2020- 
H2020-INFRADEV-2014-2015/H2020-INFRADEV-1-2014-1), ISIS, ILL, ESS and DTU.

FARHI Emmanuel <farhi at ill.fr>
Groupe DS/CS, ILL4/156, Tel (33) 4 76 20 71 35
ILL, Grenoble

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