[mcstas-users] Opening multiple tables, SIGSEGV.

Peter Kjær Willendrup pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk
Wed Oct 3 17:06:37 CEST 2018

Dear Alex,

What you are experiencing could (unfortunately) easily be a platform specific issue, it looks like you are on Windows?

Could you please send a copy of the instrument file and also any extra components, datafiles etc. to allow reproducing the issue?


Peter Willendrup

Peter Kjær Willendrup
Forskningsingeniør, Speciakonsulent
Næstformand for DTU Fysik LSU

DTU Physics

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pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk<mailto:pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk>

On 3 Oct 2018, at 16.56, Alex Di Giulio <alexdigiulio at gmail.com<mailto:alexdigiulio at gmail.com>> wrote:

Hello everyone,
I am trying to simulate more “virtual” beamline in the same run. The setup is trivial, after my sample component there is a Au filter (Filter_gen component) and I want to detect the neutrons at different thickness of this.
I’ve two tables with the multiplier factor per energy that were used in two Filter_gen components:

COMPONENT filter_thin = Filter_gen(
WHEN (foil==1) AT (-0.158,-0.048,0.46) RELATIVE Armsample

COMPONENT filter_thick = Filter_gen(
WHEN (foil==2) AT (-0.158,-0.048,0.46) RELATIVE Armsample

I can run the simulation only when there is one filter component (commenting the other), otherwise:

Opening input file 'Au7.res' (Table_Read_Offset)
Opening input file 'Au20.res' (Table_Read_Offset)
# McStas 2.4.1 - Jun. 26, 2017: [pid 18032] Signal 11 detected SIGSEGV (Mem Error)
# Simulation: S44_incSQW (Vesuvio_au.instr)
# Breakpoint: filter_thick (Init) 0.00 % (       0.0/     100.0)
# Date:      Wed Oct 03 16:31:26 2018
# Started:   Wed Oct 03 16:31:10 2018
# Last I/O Error: Not enough space
# McStas 2.4.1 - Jun. 26, 2017: Simulation stop (abort).
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\\mcstas-2.4.1\\lib\\tools\\Python\\mcrun\\mcrun.py", line 372, in <module>
  File "C:\\mcstas-2.4.1\\lib\\tools\\Python\\mcrun\\mcrun.py", line 356, in main
  File "C:\mcstas-2.4.1\lib\tools\Python\mcrun\mccode.py", line 208, in run
    return self.runMPI(args, pipe, override_mpi)
  File "C:\mcstas-2.4.1\lib\tools\Python\mcrun\mccode.py", line 227, in runMPI
    return Process(binpath).run(args, pipe=pipe)
  File "C:\mcstas-2.4.1\lib\tools\Python\mcrun\mccode.py", line 80, in run
    raise ProcessException(self.executable, args, retval)
mccode.ProcessException: Got exit status 4294967295<tel:4294967295> from "Vesuvio_au.exe --ncount 100.0 --dir C:\Users\alexd\Dropbox\Settembre2018\Vesuvio_au_20181003_163103 --format McStas"

This tables are only 300 lines and I have more than 10GB of free ram, so where I have to look at to find the problems? I thought  the overlapping was an issue but after inserting the GROUP command nothing change.

Thank you for your help

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