[mcstas-users] Off file Strange behavior

Петр Коник 104pet104 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 11 23:19:21 CET 2019

Dear all!

We try to simulate a guide-transformer consisting of three parts: high
and narrow rectangular guide gradually transforms into octagonal one,
then there is central part of constant cross section and finally the
third part identical to the first one but rotated 90 degrees.

We try to change different parameters and create corresponding off
files. In most cases it works fine but when we change the side of
octagon from a=0.033 to a=0.034 the flux and divergence profile
changes dramatically. This strange value of a does not change for
different wavelength or for different length of the guide. There is a
similar strange behavior around a=0.013-0.014. Obviously, something
odd is happening.

Your help will be mostly helpful! Find attached related files.

P.S. It is my pleasure to invite you all to ECNS2019 conference held
in Saint Petersburg! Note that the final call for abstracts is ongoing
and the deadline is this Friday March 15th. Please visit our web site
http://ecns2019.com/ .

Best regards,
Peter Konik
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