[mcstas-users] [EXTERNAL] Multiple samples in a single mcstas instrument?

Erik B Knudsen erkn at fysik.dtu.dk
Thu Jul 11 20:23:24 CEST 2019

Dear Christoph,

In your instrument file there are two missing ; (line 186 and 194), a
switched %} line 187, and a double '==' where it should say '=' (line
187). Some of these were due to me being a bit too fast of the mark this
morning, so sorry for that. The attached version has these things fixed
- I can't test it completely since I lack your SANS-component but it
should get you a bit further. Good Luck!


On 11/07/2019 19:57, Wildgruber, Christoph U. wrote:
> Hi again,
> so I did try the basic ‘SPLIT 2’ approach but I end up with an unexpected compile time error (RHEL 7, mcstas 2.5, mpi enabled)…
> I must be missing something really basic…
> Here is the result:
> ==============
> Setting environment:
>  /usr/local/mcstas/2.5/tools/Python/mcgui/../mccodelib/../../..
>  -g -O2 -lm 
>  gcc
>  mpicc
> mcrun -c BER_SANS_guide_elliptical_optimize_2.1.instr -n0 
> INFO: No output directory specified (--dir)
> INFO: Using directory: "BER_SANS_guide_elliptical_optimize_2.1_20190711_134948"
> INFO: Regenerating c-file: BER_SANS_guide_elliptical_optimize_2.1.c
> Reference to undefined component instance a1 at line BER_SANS_guide_elliptical_optimize_2.1.instr:246.
> Reference to undefined component instance a1 at line BER_SANS_guide_elliptical_optimize_2.1.instr:258.
> Reference to undefined component instance a1 at line BER_SANS_guide_elliptical_optimize_2.1.instr:266.
> Reference to undefined component instance a1 at line BER_SANS_guide_elliptical_optimize_2.1.instr:274.
> Reference to undefined component instance a1 at line BER_SANS_guide_elliptical_optimize_2.1.instr:284.
> Reference to undefined component instance a1 at line BER_SANS_guide_elliptical_optimize_2.1.instr:294.
> Reference to undefined component instance a1 at line BER_SANS_guide_elliptical_optimize_2.1.instr:304.
> Reference to undefined component instance a1 at line BER_SANS_guide_elliptical_optimize_2.1.instr:314.
> Info:    'PSD_monitor_rad' is a contributed component.
> Reference to undefined component instance a1 at line BER_SANS_guide_elliptical_optimize_2.1.instr:321.
> Reference to undefined component instance a1 at line BER_SANS_guide_elliptical_optimize_2.1.instr:328.
> Info:    'SANSQMonitor' is a contributed component.
> Reference to undefined component instance a1 at line BER_SANS_guide_elliptical_optimize_2.1.instr:338.
> Reference to undefined component instance a1 at line BER_SANS_guide_elliptical_optimize_2.1.instr:347.
> McStas: 12 Errors encountered during parse of BER_SANS_guide_elliptical_optimize_2.1.instr.
> compile thread done
> I attach the instr file in case you get a chance to try to compile it…
> So what is going on?
> Thanks so much,
> Uli

Erik Bergbäck Knudsen, Research Engineer         | DTU | morituri
NEXMAP, DTU Fysik, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark  |<>-<>|    te
phone: (+45) 2132 6655                           |<>-<>| salutant
-------------- next part --------------
* Basic SANS 
* Trying to implement Erik Knudsens / Peter Willendrups suggestions

DEFINE INSTRUMENT BER_Sans_optimize(lambda_max     =  9.418,
                                    opticsStart    =  0.843,
                                    apt_0_size     =  0.0801,
                                    guide_0_Start  =  1.026,  guide_0_End    =  2.331,
                                    guide_0_size_1 =  0.0331, guide_0_size_2 =  0.0507,
                                    guide_0_m      =  6.223,

                                    apt_1_size     =  0.0724,

                                    guide_1_Start =   2.389,  guide_1_End      =    14.001,
                                    guide_1_size  =   0.0469,
                                    guide_1_f1    =   2.298,  guide_1_f2       =  1857.7,
                                    guide_1_m     =   3.04,

                                    apt_2_size    =  0.2838,

                                    guide_2_Start =   14.35,  guide_2_End     = 29.21,
                                    guide_2_size  =    0.108,
                                    guide_2_f1    =  3590.2,  guide_2_f2      =  1.506,
                                    guide_2_m     =    6.549,

                                    apt_3_size    =    0.0930,

                                    sample_pos    = 30.0,
                                    sample_size   =  0.01,
                                    detector_pos  = 33.0)

   double taperLength;
   double lambda_min;
   double guide_1_length, guide_2_length, SD;
   double detectorRadius = 1.0;
   double E_low, E_high;
   double apt_0_width, apt_0_height, apt_1_width, apt_1_height,  apt_2_width, apt_2_height,  apt_3_width, apt_3_height;
   double apt_0_pos, apt_1_pos, apt_2_pos, apt_3_pos;
   double sample_n;

   // until otherwise required I use the smallest lambda_min conceivable...
   // =========================================================================
   lambda_min     = (detector_pos * lambda_max - 3956.0 / 15.0) / detector_pos;
   if (lambda_min < 0.1) lambda_min = 0.1;
   taperLength    = guide_0_End  - guide_0_Start;
   guide_1_length = guide_1_End  - guide_1_Start;
   guide_2_length = guide_2_End  - guide_2_Start;
   SD             = detector_pos - sample_pos;
   E_low          = (9.045 / lambda_max) * (9.045 / lambda_max);
   E_high         = (9.045 / lambda_min) * (9.045 / lambda_min);
   apt_0_width = apt_0_height = apt_0_size;
   apt_0_pos   = opticsStart;
   apt_1_width = apt_1_height = apt_1_size;
   apt_1_pos   = guide_0_End  + 0.001;
   apt_2_width = apt_2_height = apt_2_size;
   apt_2_pos   = guide_1_End  + 0.001;
   apt_3_width = apt_3_height = apt_3_size;
   apt_3_pos   = guide_2_End  + 0.001;


COMPONENT origin = Progress_bar()
AT (0, 0, 0) ABSOLUTE

COMPONENT arm_source = Arm( )
AT (0, 0, 0) RELATIVE origin

// Pin hole configuration: source 'focus' on sample...
// (source focussing on rectangle!)
// ===================================================
COMPONENT Source =  SNS_source_mod(filename = "/home/cwl/McStas_projects/BER_SANS/source_rot_t3m-25_sp.dat", 
                                   radius   = 0.015,
                                   dist     = guide_1_Start,
                                   focus_xw = 1.01 * apt_0_width, 
                                   focus_yh = 1.01 * apt_0_height,
                                   Emin     = E_low,  
                                   Emax     = E_high,
                                   Anorm    = 0.000707)
AT (0,0,0) RELATIVE origin

// Aperture at entrance to straight tapered section...
// =================================================================
COMPONENT Apt_0 = Slit(xwidth = apt_0_width, yheight = apt_0_height)
AT (0, 0, apt_0_pos) RELATIVE origin  

// Tapered guide...
// =========================================================================================================================
COMPONENT taperedGuide = Guide(w1 = guide_0_size_1, h1 = guide_0_size_1, 
                               w2 = guide_0_size_2, h2 = guide_0_size_2,
                               l  = taperLength, m = guide_0_m)
  AT (0, 0, guide_0_Start) RELATIVE origin

// Aperture at entrance to focusing section...
// =================================================================
COMPONENT Apt_1 = Slit(xwidth = apt_1_width, yheight = apt_1_height)
AT (0, 0, apt_1_pos) RELATIVE origin  

// 1st half of elliptical guide...
// ===================================================================================================================
COMPONENT focussingGuide_1 = Guide_tapering(option = "elliptical",
                                            w1     = guide_1_size,   h1    = guide_1_size,
                                            l      = guide_1_length, 
                                            linw   = guide_1_f1,     loutw = guide_1_f2,
                                            linh   = guide_1_f1,     louth = guide_1_f2,
                                            mx     = guide_1_m,      my    = guide_1_m)
AT (0, 0, guide_1_Start) RELATIVE origin

// Aperture at center to focusing section...
// =================================================================
COMPONENT Apt_2 = Slit(xwidth = apt_2_width, yheight = apt_2_height)
AT (0, 0, apt_2_pos) RELATIVE origin  
//COMPONENT guide_center_psd = PSD_monitor(nx              = 127,                ny      = 127,
//                                         filename        = "Guide_center.dat",
//                                         xwidth          = 1.05 * apt_width_2, yheight = 1.05 * apt_height_2,
//                                         //xwidth          = 0.06, yheight = 0.06,
//                                         restore_neutron = 1)
//AT (0, 0, apt_pos_2 + 0.001) RELATIVE origin

// 2nd half of elliptical guide...
// ===============================
COMPONENT focussingGuide_2 = Guide_tapering(option = "elliptical",
                                            w1     = guide_2_size, h1    = guide_2_size,
                                            l      = guide_2_length, 
                                            linw   = guide_2_f1,     loutw = guide_2_f2,
                                            linh   = guide_2_f1,     louth = guide_2_f2,
                                            mx     = guide_2_m,      my    = guide_2_m)
AT (0, 0, guide_2_Start) RELATIVE origin

COMPONENT Apt_3 = Slit(xwidth = apt_3_width, yheight = apt_3_height)
AT (0, 0, apt_3_pos) RELATIVE origin

// Monitor beam divergence at sample position...
// (we want the sensitive area be identical to the sample area!)
// =============================================================
COMPONENT sample_Div = Divergence_monitor(nh              = 127,         nv       = 127,
                                          filename        = "Sample_divergence.dat", 
                                          xwidth          = sample_size, yheight  = sample_size, 
                                          maxdiv_h        = 0.25,                    maxdiv_v = 0.25,
                                          restore_neutron = 1)
AT (0, 0, sample_pos - 0.01) RELATIVE origin

COMPONENT sample_Div_2 = Divergence_monitor(nh              = 127,         nv       = 127,
                                            filename        = "Sample_divergence_2.dat", 
                                            xwidth          = sample_size, yheight  = sample_size, 
                                            maxdiv_h        = 2.5,         maxdiv_v = 2.5,
                                            restore_neutron = 1)
AT (0, 0, sample_pos - 0.009) RELATIVE origin

COMPONENT sample_apt = Slit(xwidth = sample_size, yheight = sample_size)
AT (0, 0, sample_pos - 0.008) RELATIVE origin

COMPONENT sample_psd = PSD_monitor(nx              = 127,                ny      = 127,
                                   filename        = "Sample_psd.dat",
                                   xwidth          = 1.05 * sample_size, yheight = 1.05 * sample_size,
                                   restore_neutron = 1)
AT (0, 0, sample_pos - 0.007) RELATIVE origin

// Multiple samples...
// ===================
COMPONENT a0 = Arm()
AT (0, 0, sample_pos) RELATIVE origin
  sample_n = 0;

COMPONENT a1 = Arm()
AT (0, 0, 0) RELATIVE a0

// sample: flatline_1.dat
// =====================================================================================================
COMPONENT GK_MD_sim_1 = SANSCurve(DeltaRho               = 1.0e-14,     Volume                 = 1000.0,
                                Concentration            = 0.01,        AbsorptionCrosssection =    0.0, 
                                xwidth                   = sample_size, 
                                yheight                  = sample_size,  
                                zdepth                   = 0.005,
                                SampleToDetectorDistance = SD,
                                DetectorRadius           = 1.0, 
                                FileWithCurve            = "/home/cwl/McStas_projects/BER_SANS/BER_SANS_optimize_elliptical_discrimination/samples/flatLine_1.dat")
WHEN (sample_n == 1) AT (0, 0, 0) RELATIVE a1

// sample: 1_Apo_Guanylate_kinase_theoretical_SANS.dat
// =====================================================================================================
COMPONENT GK_MD_sim_2 = SANSCurve(DeltaRho               = 1.0e-14,     Volume                 = 1000.0,
                                Concentration            = 0.01,        AbsorptionCrosssection =    0.0, 
                                xwidth                   = sample_size, 
                                yheight                  = sample_size,  
                                zdepth                   = 0.005,
                                SampleToDetectorDistance = SD,
                                DetectorRadius           = 1.0, 
                                FileWithCurve            = "/home/cwl/McStas_projects/BER_SANS/BER_SANS_optimize_elliptical_discrimination/samples/1_Apo_Guanylate_kinase_theoretical_SANS.dat")
WHEN (sample_n == 2) AT (0, 0, 0) RELATIVE a1

// single 2D detector #1 at 'detector_pos'...
// ==========================================
COMPONENT psd_monitor_1 = PSD_monitor(nx              = 127,           ny      = 127, 
                                      filename        = "PSD_mon_1.dat", 
                                      xwidth          = detectorRadius, yheight = detectorRadius,
                                      restore_neutron = 1)
WHEN (sample_n == 1) AT (0, 0, (detector_pos - sample_pos)) RELATIVE a1

// single 2D detector #2 at 'detector_pos'...
// ==========================================
COMPONENT psd_monitor_2 = PSD_monitor(nx              = 127,           ny      = 127, 
                                      filename        = "PSD_mon_2.dat", 
                                      xwidth          = detectorRadius, yheight = detectorRadius,
                                      restore_neutron = 1)
WHEN (sample_n == 2) AT (0, 0, (detector_pos - sample_pos)) RELATIVE a1

// wavlength monitor #1...
// =======================
COMPONENT l_monitor_1 = L_monitor(nL              = 257, 
                                  filename        = "L_mon_1.dat", 
                                  xwidth          = detectorRadius, yheight = detectorRadius,
                                  Lmin            = lambda_min - 0.5 * (lambda_max - lambda_min),
                                  Lmax            = lambda_max + 0.5 * (lambda_max - lambda_min),
                                  restore_neutron = 1)
WHEN (sample_n == 1) AT (0, 0, (detector_pos - sample_pos + 0.001)) RELATIVE a1

// wavlength monitor #2...
// =======================
COMPONENT l_monitor_2 = L_monitor(nL              = 257, 
                                  filename        = "L_mon_2.dat", 
                                  xwidth          = detectorRadius, yheight = detectorRadius,
                                  Lmin            = lambda_min - 0.5 * (lambda_max - lambda_min),
                                  Lmax            = lambda_max + 0.5 * (lambda_max - lambda_min),
                                  restore_neutron = 1)
WHEN (sample_n == 2) AT (0, 0, (detector_pos - sample_pos + 0.001)) RELATIVE a1

// energy monitor #1...
// ====================
COMPONENT E_monitor_1 = E_monitor(nE              = 257, 
                                  filename        = "E_mon_1.dat", 
                                  xwidth          = detectorRadius, yheight = detectorRadius,
                                  Emin            = E_low  - 0.5 * (E_high - E_low),
                                  Emax            = E_high + 0.5 * (E_high - E_low),
                                  restore_neutron = 1)
WHEN (sample_n == 1) AT (0, 0, (detector_pos - sample_pos + 0.002)) RELATIVE a1

// energy monitor #2...
// ====================
COMPONENT E_monitor_2 = E_monitor(nE              = 257, 
                                  filename        = "E_mon_2.dat", 
                                  xwidth          = detectorRadius, yheight = detectorRadius,
                                  Emin            = E_low  - 0.5 * (E_high - E_low),
                                  Emax            = E_high + 0.5 * (E_high - E_low),
                                  restore_neutron = 1)
WHEN (sample_n == 2) AT (0, 0, (detector_pos - sample_pos + 0.002)) RELATIVE a1

// radial monitor #1 (1D detector)...
// (don't try to use 'restore_neutron'!)
// =====================================
COMPONENT psd_monitor_rad_1 = PSD_monitor_rad(rmax      = detectorRadius,   nr          = 257,
                                              filename  = "PSD_rad_1.dat",  filename_av = "PSD_rad_av_1.dat")
WHEN (sample_n == 1) AT (0, 0, (detector_pos -sample_pos + 0.003)) RELATIVE a1

// radial monitor #2 (1D detector)...
// (don't try to use 'restore_neutron'!)
// =====================================
COMPONENT psd_monitor_rad_2 = PSD_monitor_rad(rmax      = detectorRadius,   nr          = 257,
                                              filename  = "PSD_rad_2.dat",  filename_av = "PSD_rad_av_2.dat")
WHEN (sample_n == 2) AT (0, 0, (detector_pos - sample_pos + 0.003)) RELATIVE a1

// q monitor #1...
// ===============
COMPONENT sansqmonitor_1 = SANSQMonitor(LambdaMin       = 1.9, 
                                        RFilename       = "RDetector_1",    qFilename = "QDetector_1", 
                                        NumberOfBins    = 1025, 
                                        RadiusDetector  = detectorRadius, DistanceFromSample = SD,
                                        restore_neutron = 0)
WHEN (sample_n == 1) AT (0, 0, (detector_pos - sample_pos + 0.004)) RELATIVE a1

// q monitor #2...
// ===============
COMPONENT sansqmonitor_2 = SANSQMonitor(LambdaMin       = 1.9, 
                                        RFilename       = "RDetector_2",    qFilename = "QDetector_2", 
                                        NumberOfBins    = 1025, 
                                        RadiusDetector  = detectorRadius, DistanceFromSample = SD,
                                        restore_neutron = 0)
WHEN (sample_n == 2) AT (0, 0, (detector_pos - sample_pos + 0.004)) RELATIVE a1



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