[mcstas-users] mcstas 2.5 mpirun problem
Peter Kjær Willendrup
pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk
Sat Jul 20 07:38:14 CEST 2019
Hi Uli,
As a matter of fact not a lot changed in our mpi-implementation:
- There is only the mother-process to do things like pick up parameters or mkdir etc. So the most probable situation is that the binary was in fact not mpi-capable when launched through mpirun.
The easiest way to check is through ./instrument.out
./ILL_IN4.out --help
ILL_IN4 (ILL_IN4.instr) instrument simulation, generated with McStas 2.5 - Dec. 12, 2018 (Dec. 12, 2018)
Usage: ./ILL_IN4.out [options] [parm=value ...]
Options are:
-s SEED --seed=SEED Set random seed (must be != 0)
-n COUNT --ncount=COUNT Set number of neutrons to simulate.
-d DIR --dir=DIR Put all data files in directory DIR.
-t --trace Enable trace of neutrons through instrument.
-g --gravitation Enable gravitation for all trajectories.
--no-output-files Do not write any data files.
-h --help Show this help message.
-i --info Detailed instrument information.
--format=FORMAT Output data files using FORMAT=MCSTAS
This instrument has been compiled with MPI support.
… etc.
The above line will not be present in case the instrument is not compiled with MPI.
The only thing that comes to mind in terms of changes is that our two mcrun variants differ in how one specifies to compile with mpi, in the sense that
Perl: mcrun.pl -c --mpi is enough
Python: mcrun -c --mpi=some_integer (i.e. --mpi needs a. value)
(For the full list of differences, see https://github.com/McStasMcXtrace/McCode/wiki/mcrun-variants---table-overview
From the (python) gui, the easiest is to use “MPI (recompile)” from the run dialogue.
Also remember that if you inadvertently make a change in the .instr code, then a save and exiting mcgui, the automatic recompile (since now the .instr code is newer than the .c code) may do a non-mpi compile for you.
Finally, our recommended “standard” MPI to use is OpenMPI, but MPICH should be just as good.
Hope this helps, otherwise write again - but expect some delay as I now started my summer vacation. ;-)
On 19 Jul 2019, at 17.18, Wildgruber, Christoph U. <wildgrubercu at ornl.gov<mailto:wildgrubercu at ornl.gov>> wrote:
I am having a problen (mpi-) running mcstas 2.5 on centos 7.? with more than 1 node.
It looks like every node tries to create the target directory wether I start from mcgui or
use the mcrun command in the terminal. The location of the output directory does not
seem to matter. I am using mpich on a newly installed OS
and don’t remember having had that problem before.
The 2.5 manual mentions new options but I did not find anything wrt this problem.
What am I missing?
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Peter Kjær Willendrup
Forskningsingeniør, Specialkonsulent
Næstformand for DTU Fysik LSU
DTU Physics
[cid:b6339554-7f28-441d-9f31-5944f811397c at win.dtu.dk]
Technical University of Denmark
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Department of Physics
Building 307
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Direct +45 2125 4612
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Fax +45 4593 2399
pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk<mailto:pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk>
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