[mcstas-users] download problem github

"Алексей Быков, Alexey Bykov" redi87 at bk.ru
Tue Jan 28 10:43:20 CET 2020

Dear Peter,
i already understand my mistake, download new version and installed. Actually, i tried to run mcresplot, and it start to work only, when i put the mcresplot.bat (within PATH to mcresplot.py) to «c:\mcstas-2.6\bin\».
С уважением,
Алексей Быков.
>Понедельник, 27 января 2020, 16:52 +03:00 от Peter Kjær Willendrup <pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk>:
>Dear Alexey,
>>On 27 Jan 2020, at 14.24, Алексей Быков < redi87 at bk.ru > wrote:  
>>Can’t download mcstas from GitHub. Where is it naw?
>>С уважением, Алексей Быков  
>All of the GitHub download links in fact point to  http://download.mcstas.org  - where the McStas and other needed packages are available within a list of folders, one per release (i.e. 2.5, 2.6 etc.), each with subfolders pr. platform (linux, windows etc.), see the attached 3 images...
>Please let me know where you found the first link from, i.e. one in the first image starting with  https://github.com/McStasMcXtrace/McCode/blob/mcstas-2.5 … ? - It refers to the “old” version 2.5, as 2.6 was released on Friday.
>Hope this helps,
>Peter Kjær Willendrup
>Forskningsingeniør, Specialkonsulent
>Næstformand for DTU Fysik LSU
>DTU Physics
>Technical University of Denmark
>Department of Physics
>Building 307
>DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby
>Direct +45 2125 4612
>Mobil +45 2125 4612
>Fax +45 4593 2399
>pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk  

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