[mcstas-users] question about array-lib.c and .h
Peter Kjær Willendrup
pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk
Thu Mar 12 20:27:56 CET 2020
Dear Santiago,
Thanks for reporting this, which seems to be a proper bug in 2.6, sorry about this.
I have created a GitHub issue (https://github.com/McStasMcXtrace/McCode/issues/993) so that this is fixed before releasing the next McStas 2.x.
For most of our code I believe gcc 4.7.7 should be just fine. If you want an overview of what works and not, try either
1) Our new test-tool, mctest.py / mcviewtest.py - can be found on the mcstas-3.0 branch: https://github.com/McStasMcXtrace/McCode/tree/mcstas-3.0/tools/Python/mctest. Proper docs for these tools are stil to be written.
2) Our legacy test system, mcrun.pl --test
For comparison, our daily test output toward McStas 3.0 can be found at http://new-nightly.mccode.org. The html-tables in the subfolders indicate “McStas 2.5” but what is tested in that column is in fact the “master” branch.
Best and greetings from a Corona-shutdown DK,
On 12 Mar 2020, at 18.44, Santiago Gómez <sgomez at cab.cnea.gov.ar<mailto:sgomez at cab.cnea.gov.ar>> wrote:
Hello, when I compile the example instrument templateSANS.instr with
mcstas 2.6 and gcc 4.4.7 I get this issue
PSD_monitor.comp:76: error: redefinition of typedef 'DArray1d'
PSD_monitor.comp:60: note: previous declaration of 'DArray1d' was here
PSD_monitor.comp:77: error: redefinition of typedef 'DArray2d'
PSD_monitor.comp:64: note: previous declaration of 'DArray2d' was here
PSD_monitor.comp:78: error: redefinition of typedef 'DArray3d'
PSD_monitor.comp:68: note: previous declaration of 'DArray3d' was here
This example compiles well with other gcc compiler (version 4.8.3).
I see at the mcstas pre-compiled file templateSANS.c that the next
typedef definitions appear twice, so this is the redefinition error for
compiler gcc 4.4.7.
typedef double* DArray1d;
typedef double** DArray2d;
typedef double*** DArray3d;
I simply commented those typedef definitions at array-lib. c, because
they are already present in the array-lib. h, and it works ok, at least
I have checked the output values from both compilers and the match ok.
Should I check other things to keep this solution to use compiler 4.4.7?
(this compiler is in a cluster and it is difficult to change version)
With best regards,
Santiago Miguel Gómez
Departamento de Física de Reactores y Radiaciones
Centro Atómico Bariloche
Int.: 5971
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Peter Kjær Willendrup
Forskningsingeniør, Specialkonsulent
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pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk<mailto:pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk>
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