[mcstas-users] [EXTERNAL] Re: SANSCurve type component for I(qx, qy) instead of I(q)?
Wildgruber, Christoph U.
wildgrubercu at ornl.gov
Tue Apr 28 14:52:26 CEST 2020
Hi Robert,
it’s good to know, that we are not the only ones who have some interest in that type of a component…
I agree with you guys what the main problem is. Absolute intensities (within reasonable limits) is what we
really need. I guess we are mostly talking about multiple scattering and inelastic processes which
is a lot of fun if you have a broad energy spectrum in the primary beam :-)
We’ll be talking about this here to see if we can get a little core group together.
You’ll hear from me…
Best wishes,
On 28 Apr 2020, at 08:33, Robert Dalgliesh - UKRI STFC <robert.dalgliesh at stfc.ac.uk<mailto:robert.dalgliesh at stfc.ac.uk>> wrote:
I think there are quite a few people who might be interested in this.
It is something that has come up in discussion quite frequently.
As Peter says the problem is usually how to get the absolute scattering intensity correct. Ideally it would also be great to think about how to get a transmission calculation correct for a time-of-flight instrument.
If you are interested in further discussion then I think it would be good to invite others into working on something together.
Best regards
Dr. Robert Dalgliesh
ISIS Neutron and Muon Source
STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
R3 1.29
Harwell Oxford
OX11 0QX
Office Tel: +44 (0) 1235 445687
Internal Mobile Extension: 1176
From: mcstas-users <mcstas-users-bounces at mcstas.org<mailto:mcstas-users-bounces at mcstas.org>> On Behalf Of Wildgruber, Christoph U.
Sent: 28 April 2020 13:18
To: Peter Kjær Willendrup <pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk<mailto:pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk>>
Cc: McStas <mcstas-users at mcstas.org<mailto:mcstas-users at mcstas.org>>; Qian, Shuo <qians at ornl.gov<mailto:qians at ornl.gov>>
Subject: Re: [mcstas-users] [EXTERNAL] Re: SANSCurve type component for I(qx, qy) instead of I(q)?
Hi Peter,
I’ll definitely look again more carefully :-)
Besides that my strategy is to get a younger person here excited
to learn how to write a McStas component…
Thanks so much,
On 28 Apr 2020, at 03:24, Peter Kjær Willendrup <pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk<mailto:pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk>> wrote:
Hi Uli,
On 27 Apr 2020, at 23.07, Wildgruber, Christoph U. <wildgrubercu at ornl.gov<mailto:wildgrubercu at ornl.gov>> wrote:
I might not be looking hard enough but I don’t think there is a SANS
sample component similar to SANSCurve (which uses I(q) as an input file)
that can handle I(qx, qy).
If anybody can point me in the right direction or has a component like that
to share it would be greatly appreciated!
For that sort of functionality I would be looking in the direction of the SASview (SASmodels really) sample http://www.mcstas.org/download/components/samples/SasView_model.html which does include models that are 2D in q. (It may also be that one of Henrich Frielinghaus’ contributed sample components has a similar feature?)
The limitations of the SasView_model sample are that
a) I am not entirely sure the absolute normalisation is completely correct
b) One needs to recompile when shifting between models
Should you decide to implement one yourself instead, such a model would of course always be welcome as a contribution. ;-)
Peter Kjær Willendrup
Forskningsingeniør, Specialkonsulent
Næstformand for DTU Fysik LSU
DTU Physics
Technical University of Denmark
Department of Physics
Building 307
DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby
Direct +45 2125 4612
Mobil +45 2125 4612
Fax +45 4593 2399
pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk<mailto:pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk>
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