[mcstas-users] Component Monochromator-reflect

Thierry Bigault bigault at ill.fr
Tue Jun 1 18:57:13 CEST 2021

Dear McStas,

I am trying to make calculations with mosaic crystals. The following 
paper states that a new component, called Monochormator-reflect, was 
introduced in order to overcome some limitations of Monochromator_curved:

L. Alianelli, N. Wilson, K.H. Andersen, M. Sánchez del Rı́o, R. Felici, 
A method for detailed simulations of neutron diffraction from imperfect 
crystals, Nucl. Instr. Meth A 529 (2004) 231–233.

Does anyone know what this became ? Was it included into another more 
sophisticated component that can be used to simulate monochromators, 
like Single_crystal ?

Thierry Bigault

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