[mcstas-users] Frame overlap mirror creation

Andrew Nelson andyfaff at gmail.com
Mon Jun 14 10:04:06 CEST 2021

I saw that component mentioned on the user list before,
but Pol_guide_mirror isn't present at the component list at
http://www.mcstas.org/download/components/. Whilst it is present as a
McStas component, the GUI doesn't seem to display properly (attached) so I
don't know how to set it up.

On Mon, 14 Jun 2021 at 17:21, Peter Kjær Willendrup <pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk>

> Hi Andrew,
> On 14 Jun 2021, at 02.22, Andrew Nelson <andyfaff at gmail.com> wrote:
> I am wondering about the best way to create the frame overlap mirror in
> McStas. The FOM I need to create consists of a non-tapered rectangular
> guide (m=0 on top, m=3 on the sides, m=1 on the bottom) of 500 mm in
> length, 20 mm high, 50 mm wide. There is then a mirror (Ni, m=1) running
> down the length of this guide, running from the bottom of the guide at the
> front (-z) to the top of the guide at the back (+z)
> I suggest taking a look at Pol_guide_mirror.comp which is intended for
> exactly this purpose. I admit it is a little confusing that the component
> is not named anything suggesting that it can be used like this. :)
> I will consider making a name-change or an “alias” component to clear this
> up.
> I couldn't find a previous example to go off. Would it be suitable to
> create a normal rectangular guide component with the host characteristics,
> then have a subsequent inclined mirror component that coincides with the
> host guide? Or would this confuse things?
> How does one make composite optics components?
> The thing is, one does not really… :)
> There _are_ ways to do this with a set of independent mirrors and lots of
> logic / programming in the instrumentfile - but it gets long and
> complicated, writing a fresh component from scratch is probably easier.
> That being said, the Union subsystem could eventually become a vehicle to
> implement “composite components” also for reflecting optics, but at the
> moment the focus in that code is on the physics of bulk material properties.
> Best and hope this helps,
> Peter
> Peter Kjær Willendrup
> Forskningsingeniør, Specialkonsulent
> Næstformand for DTU Fysik LSU
> DTU Physics
> Technical University of Denmark
> Department of Physics
> Fysikvej
> Building 307
> DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby
> Direct +45 2125 4612
> Mobil +45 2125 4612
> Fax +45 4593 2399
> pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk

Dr. Andrew Nelson

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