[mcstas-users] Pyqt problem on fresh install

Jean-Francois Moulin jean-francois.moulin at hereon.de
Thu Mar 24 16:01:17 CET 2022

I just installed Qscintilla form pip (as a user and I can now run mcgui).

Will now start playing.

Thanks for your help!

On 3/24/22 13:44, Peter Kjær Willendrup wrote:
> Hi again,
> I am quite sure your user environment could affect the Python 
> environment that e.g. mcgui “sees”.
> Your mcrun should in fact be sitting in the same directory where mcgui 
> resides? But maybe you started it via a Desktop launcher?
> Running (e.g.)
> mcstas-3.1-environement
> should give you a shell which knows about the Python mcrun?
> Alternatively call mcrun with the full path, this should be something like
> /usr/share/mcstas/3.1/bin/mcrun
> mcrun.pl is “so much last year” ;-)
> Best,
> Peter
>> On 24 Mar 2022, at 13.30, Jean-Francois Moulin 
>> <jean-francois.moulin at hereon.de> wrote:
>> Dear Peter,
>> thanks for your suggestions!
>> Synaptic shows:
>> libqscintilla2-qt5-15 2.11.2+dfsg-6
>> My mint (20.3) is fresh, but not mint ;0)
>> Regarding python, usually I pip install as a normal user. I am not 
>> quite sure what then gets precedence here... mcstas will call the 
>> system installed package, right ? Or does it inherit from the user 
>> calling mcgui?
>> I am now running mcstas 2.7.1 from ppa and actually cannot find 
>> execute mcrun as such:
>>     jfmoulin at jfm17:~$ mcrun --write-user-config
>>     Command 'mcrun' not found, did you mean:
>>       command 'crun' from deb crun (0.12.1+dfsg-1)
>>       command 'mcron' from deb mcron (1.0.8-1build1)
>>     Try: sudo apt install <deb name>
>> mcrun.pl is actually found at usr/bin/mcrun.pl though. Link missing?
>> Cheers,
>> Jean-François
>> On 3/24/22 09:31, Peter Kjær Willendrup wrote:
>>> Dear Jean-Francois,
>>> OK, thank you for the information.
>>> Which exact Linux Mint are you on? As I remember Mint is a 
>>> Debian-variant - and was our Debian packages your method of 
>>> installation? In this situation, the dependencies are assumed to be 
>>> resolved using Python modules provided by the OS itself, not conda 
>>> or pip.
>>> The problem seems to relate to problems in the scintilla-based 
>>> editor, which version of libqscintilla is installed?
>>> What I get on a Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (from the OS, not pip) is
>>> ii libqscintilla2-qt5-15   2.11.2+dfsg-6 amd64     Qt5 port of the 
>>> Scintilla source code editing widget
>>> Is your Mint python “in mint condition” ( ;-) ) or has it been 
>>> enriched with pip-stuff installed at the system level? In the latter 
>>> case it may be worth checking how the code behaves in a “pure” 
>>> environment.
>>> Now to a more practical attempt at a solution:
>>> I would try upgrading to 2.7.1 and/or 3.1 which have a new 
>>> configuration-option in mccode_config.json that allows to avoid 
>>> using scintilla all together:
>>> mcstas-3.1 env ~ $ mcrun --write-user-config
>>> loading system configuration
>>> userconfig saved to /Users/pkwi/.mcstas/3.1/mccode_config.json
>>> and then edit mccode_config.json so that
>>>     "QSCI": “0"
>>> This should avoid any reference to the qscintilla lib and widgets.
>>> Best and let me know how it goes,
>>> Peter
>>>> On 23 Mar 2022, at 13.16, Jean-Francois Moulin 
>>>> <jean-francois.moulin at hereon.de> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I just tried a fresh install of mcstas on a linux mint box and 
>>>> could not start mcgui. The backtrace seems to point to a conflict 
>>>> with the installed pyqt5:
>>>> Original exception was:
>>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>>   File 
>>>> "/usr/share/mcstas/2.7.1/bin/../tools/Python/mcgui/mcgui.py", line 
>>>> 945, in <module>
>>>>     main()
>>>>   File 
>>>> "/usr/share/mcstas/2.7.1/bin/../tools/Python/mcgui/mcgui.py", line 
>>>> 935, in main
>>>>     mcguiApp.ctr = McGuiAppController()
>>>>   File 
>>>> "/usr/share/mcstas/2.7.1/bin/../tools/Python/mcgui/mcgui.py", line 
>>>> 417, in __init__
>>>>     self.view = McView()
>>>>   File "/usr/share/mcstas/2.7.1/tools/Python/mcgui/viewclasses.py", 
>>>> line 23, in __init__
>>>>     self.ew = McCodeEditorWindow()
>>>>   File "/usr/share/mcstas/2.7.1/tools/Python/mcgui/viewclasses.py", 
>>>> line 281, in __init__
>>>>     self.__initScintilla()
>>>>   File "/usr/share/mcstas/2.7.1/tools/Python/mcgui/viewclasses.py", 
>>>> line 471, in __initScintilla
>>>>     from PyQt5 import Qsci
>>>> ValueError: PyCapsule_GetPointer called with incorrect name
>>>> I tried both 2.7 and 3 versions, both show the same behaviour.
>>>> For Info, pip3 list returns the following
>>>> PyQt5                                5.15.6
>>>> PyQt5-Qt5                         5.15.2
>>>> PyQt5-sip                          12.9.1
>>>> Any help appreciated!
>>>> Jean-François
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>> -- 
>> Dr. Jean-François Moulin
>> German Engineering Materials Science Centre (GEMS)
>> at Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ)
>> Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon
>> Lichtenbergstr. 1, 85747 Garching bei München, Germany
>> phone: +49-89-158860-762; email:jean-francois.moulin at hereon.de
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>> Helmholtz-Zentrum hereon GmbH
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Dr. Jean-François Moulin
German Engineering Materials Science Centre (GEMS)
at Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ)
Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon
Lichtenbergstr. 1, 85747 Garching bei München, Germany
phone: +49-89-158860-762; email:jean-francois.moulin at hereon.de

Bitte beachten Sie: Die Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht - Zentrum für Material- und Küstenforschung GmbH hat sich am 31.03.2021 in Helmholtz-Zentrum hereon GmbH umbenannt. Informationen dazu finden Sie unter www.hereon.de/name <https://www.hereon.de/name>

Please note: Since the 31st of March 2021 the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht – Center for Materials and Coastal Research has a new name: Helmholtz-Zentrum hereon GmbH. More information www.hereon.de/rebranding <https://www.hereon.de/rebranding>

Helmholtz-Zentrum hereon GmbH
Max-Planck-Straße 1 I 21502 Geesthacht I Deutschland/Germany

Geschäftsführung I Board of Management: Prof. Dr. Matthias Rehahn, Silke Simon
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates I Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Ministerialdirigent Engelbert Beyer
Amtsgericht Lübeck HRB 285 GE (Register Court)
Internet: www.hereon.de <https://www.hereon.de>
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